Written by 8:35 pm AI designs, Big Tech companies

### Apple’s Potential Major AI Initiative Expected in iOS 18

The iPhone maker has been a tortoise in the AI race, but analysts expect a generative AI injection …

Before the era of artificial intelligence, Apple was perceived as the slow-moving champion in the tech industry, akin to the classic tale of the tortoise and the hare. Apple, led by CEO Tim Cook, has a strategy of introducing refined and optimized products like the Vision Pro, but often chooses to observe competitors’ moves before making its own. The deliberate pace of Apple’s AI initiatives is poised to make a substantial impact on the vast user base of approximately 1.5 billion iPhone users. As reported by the Financial Times, Apple has made significant strides in the AI realm by acquiring 21 AI companies since 2017, surpassing the combined efforts of tech giants like Microsoft and Google in anticipation of this transformative shift. The company is heavily investing in what could potentially be a groundbreaking AI update, speculated to be integrated into iOS 18.

Despite its notable advancements in AI, Apple maintains a discreet stance on its AI endeavors, particularly emphasizing “machine learning” developments carried out covertly. Recent reports from CNBC reveal that the latest Apple devices, including iPhones and Apple Watches, are equipped with chips capable of supporting on-device AI functionalities.

In its quest to enhance AI capabilities, Apple is exploring collaborations with news publishers to facilitate the training of its AI systems. This strategic move aims to circumvent the legal challenges that early pioneers like OpenAI encountered, demonstrating Apple’s proactive approach of learning from competitors’ missteps to navigate potential obstacles effectively.

In a pioneering move, Apple unveiled a revolutionary research report in December, highlighting the utilization of flash memory for on-device LLM (Large Language Models) operations. Apple’s research suggests that this advancement will democratize access to relational AI, making it more accessible across a broader spectrum of devices and users. This breakthrough could potentially extend to everyday devices like iPhones and MacBooks, offering Apple a competitive edge over rivals reliant on cloud resources to support complex LLM operations.

The focal point of interest lies in how AI integration will unfold within iOS, with many anticipating a significant enhancement in Siri’s AI capabilities. Recent advancements such as the word features of ChatGPT underscore the potential for substantial improvements in modern virtual assistants, including Siri. Reports indicate that both Apple and Amazon are actively developing AI-powered iterations of their voice assistants, Alexa and Siri, respectively. The expectation is that Siri, currently facing limitations in tasks like accurate weather predictions, will undergo a substantial boost in its AI prowess, aligning with the evolving landscape of AI technology.

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Last modified: January 25, 2024
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