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### Facilitating Runaway Superintelligence Risks: The Impact of AI Safety Research

AI will become inscrutable and uncontrollable. We need to stop AI development until we have a neces…

Artificial intelligence (AI) has historically lagged in performance, but its recent advancements have sparked concerns about its potential dangers, posing an “existential risk” to humanity if not handled with extreme care.

Renowned figures like Geoffrey Hinton, known for his work at Google and hailed as “the uncle of AI,” have raised alarms about the misuse of AI by malevolent actors. Efforts by AI companies, governmental bodies, and global leaders are underway to mitigate these risks, yet more comprehensive discussions on AI safety are imperative to avert irreversible harm.

The current AI landscape, featuring systems like ChatGPT, Bard, and Claude 2, contrasts starkly with the looming prospect of superintelligent AI surpassing human cognitive capabilities. The concept of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), capable of outperforming humans in various tasks, heralds a logarithmic AI progression that could lead to Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) with unparalleled cognitive abilities.

The advent of ASI, akin to AI with divine intellect, could revolutionize society through the creation of advanced drones and potentially alter power dynamics significantly. While concerns about rogue autonomous AI persist, the more immediate threat lies in the malicious exploitation of AGI/ASI by individuals or nations engaged in power struggles.

Despite concerted efforts to address AI safety, including executive orders, international agreements, and industry-led initiatives, the control and understanding of AI systems remain formidable challenges. The opacity of AI processes, exacerbated by the trajectory towards AGI/ASI, complicates the task of predicting and managing AI behavior effectively.

As the quest for “safer AI” continues amidst uncertainties, the prospect of AGI “fooming” into superintelligence raises apprehensions about our ability to control such advanced systems. The pursuit of probabilistic solutions underscores the need for a global dialogue on AI safety to navigate the complexities of AI development responsibly.

In the face of escalating risks, advocating for a pause in “frontier” AI advancements, such as the creation of large-scale language models like GPT-5, while prioritizing discussions on AI safety emerges as a prudent course of action. The quest for aligned and stable AI remains a formidable challenge, underscoring the critical importance of proactive measures to align AI with human values and goals.

The dialogue surrounding AI safety, with its implications for the future of humanity, underscores the urgency of addressing these complex issues promptly and collaboratively.

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Last modified: January 10, 2024
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