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### Revolutionizing Sales Prospecting with AI-Powered Regie.ai Sales Auto-Pilot

/PRNewswire/ — Regie.ai, a pioneer in leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) for B2B, announ…

SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ – Regie.ai, a trailblazer in harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) for B2B applications, has unveiled the launch of Sales Auto-Pilot, an innovative extension to their AI-driven prospecting platform, which is now Generally Available in the market. This advanced technology is poised to transform the landscape of prospecting, simplifying the process for businesses while enhancing the experience for buyers.

In today’s business environment, prospecting for enterprise sales teams can be laborious, error-prone, and resource-intensive, often necessitating a significant investment in manpower and technology. Regie.ai disrupts this paradigm with Auto-Pilot, a solution that merges the capabilities of Generative AI with tailored business and buyer data to automate prospecting tasks seamlessly and with a high level of precision.

By leveraging Auto-Pilot Agents, businesses can construct targeted lead lists, craft customized messaging, and carry out omnichannel activities autonomously, thereby streamlining their prospecting workflows and enabling their sales teams to focus on more strategic endeavors. Moreover, these Agents are adaptive, accelerating their engagement with prospects only upon detecting positive intent signals.

Srinath Sridhar, CEO of Regie.ai, elucidated, “In the face of ongoing economic uncertainties and talent scarcities, many enterprises are turning to AI to revitalize and optimize their existing sales processes. Regie.ai addresses these pain points for organizations—such as AT&T, Crunchbase, Upwork, Asana, and others—by delivering a pioneering Generative AI platform tailored specifically for go-to-market (GTM) teams. Our latest offering empowers companies with AI capabilities, enabling them to save time, cut costs, and concentrate on more strategic initiatives.”

In recent quarters, Auto-Pilot has undergone rigorous Beta testing, receiving overwhelmingly positive feedback. Customers have reported tangible enhancements in key business metrics like scheduled meetings and generated pipelines after integrating Auto-Pilot Agents into their sales operations.

The user-friendly Auto-Pilot interface requires minimal technical expertise to adopt and operate, ensuring a smooth transition for businesses seeking to establish outbound sales programs promptly. Furthermore, the system is versatile and can be customized to suit the requirements of businesses across various industries. Presently, common applications of Auto-Pilot Agents include cold outbound outreach, inbound lead responses, customer expansion, and more.

Sales Auto-Pilot liberates businesses from traditional human-dependent prospecting methods, replacing them with a comprehensive, coordinated, and fully automated approach. Various functions within the GTM team stand to benefit from AI-powered Sales Agents:

  • Sales managers gain a reliable mechanism for scheduling meetings that is more scalable than increasing headcount
  • Sales representatives experience improved daily activities as they focus solely on engaged leads interested in communication
  • Operations teams are relieved of concerns regarding list building or safeguarding their database from spammy outreach
  • Marketing departments can be confident that approved language is consistently used in sales communications and can be updated in real time
  • Buyer satisfaction increases as they receive tailored outreach at optimal intervals based on their position in the buying cycle

Jessica Arnold, VP Global Sales Development at Amplitude and a customer of Regie.ai, expressed, “The go-to-market team at Amplitude has fully embraced Generative AI, not as a passing trend, but as a potent ally in our mission to deliver tangible value to our customers, our business, and our brand.”

To initiate the use of Auto-Pilot, customers simply need to integrate their Salesforce.com CRM with the Regie.ai platform, transforming cold outbound efforts into warm lead follow-ups.

ABOUT Regie.ai Founded by Dr. Srinath Sridhar and Matt Millen, Regie.ai brings together a wealth of AI and sales expertise to develop a groundbreaking product. Dr. Sridhar, a former co-founder of BloomReach and Onera, and Millen, a former C-Level executive in sales, growth, and revenue for companies like Outreach.io, FLEXE, T-Mobile, Anthony Robbins Companies, Gateway Computers, and more, have established the company as a leader in the industry. Headquartered in San Francisco, Regie.ai boasts a global workforce.

Regie.ai has secured a total of $20.8 million in funding from Foundation Capital, Scale Venture Partners, South Park Commons, and Day One Ventures, with Khosla Ventures leading their most recent funding round. As a frontrunner in providing support for modern sales teams, Regie.ai leverages its profound industry knowledge to deliver top-notch services to empower GTM teams, including prominent names like AT&T, Crunchbase, Upwork, and others.

SOURCE Regie.ai

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