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### Exploring the Boundaries of Art and Technology Through Generative AI

As part of MIT’s Generative AI Week, artist Refik Anadol and MIT faculty members shared their work …

Many individuals are racing to anticipate the societal impacts of AI. However, residing in a realm of pervasive computing has already transformed us in ways that may not be fully recognized. Generative AI-assisted art, akin to all creative endeavors, serves as a potent instrument for illustrating these shifts, broadening our perspectives, and igniting inspiration.

This was the core message conveyed during a keynote address by the artist Refik Anadol on the inaugural day of MIT’s Generative AI Week. Anadol guided the audience through the array of works produced by his studio, encompassing public art exhibitions and various digital innovations that visualize the interplay between human and machine intelligence across the globe.

“I draw inspiration from the evolving fusion of our perceptions of the physical and virtual realms,” Anadol articulated to a captivated audience at the bustling Kresge Auditorium.

The presentation marked the commencement of a series of events, including panel discussions on the potential applications and societal implications of generative AI, featuring opening remarks from iRobot founder Rodney Brooks and MIT President Sally Kornbluth. The overarching objective of this week-long initiative is to unite MIT’s community in shedding light on insights from the institution’s researchers, stimulating thoughtful analysis, and fostering critical dialogues on the ramifications and opportunities presented by generative AI. Subsequent days will delve into symposia focusing on generative AI in education, creativity, and commerce.

Anadol’s creations integrate generative AI-driven aesthetics with data derived from sources such as real-time weather updates, evolving climates and landscapes, historical architecture, and more. Some of his projects even incorporate AI-generated scents. A significant portion of Anadol’s portfolio leverages generative AI to reinterpret data and the physical environment, reshaping individuals’ perceptions of their surroundings and themselves. This artistic endeavor often taps into hallucinations—produced by machines, which frequently pose challenges for computer scientists.

“It is truly inspiring to witness the reconstruction of this information through AI-generated hallucinations, culminating in a novel form of artistic and spatial expression,” Anadol remarked.

In one notable project, Anadol amalgamated a dataset comprising roughly 100 million images of coral reefs with generative AI and visual art techniques to showcase dynamic, evolving coral visuals inspired by authentic coral specimens in nature. The objective of this endeavor was to raise awareness about climate change by underscoring the significance of coral conservation.

Another project discussed by Anadol involved the utilization of real-time climate data from Barcelona to generate an array of digital patterns that were projected onto the renowned Casa Batlló designed by the acclaimed architect Antoni Gaudí. Subsequently, the exhibition was sold as a nonfungible digital token (NFT), with a portion of the proceeds directed towards institutions aiding neurodiverse adults and children.

“I firmly believe that the convergence of light, data, and AI can give rise to a novel form of architecture, which I refer to as sensing architecture,” Anadol elucidated.

A third project was sparked by Anadol’s personal observation of his uncle’s battle with Alzheimer’s disease. This experience prompted the artist to explore fresh avenues for visualizing neurological data in a manner that triggers fundamental inquiries about the human brain and mental well-being. Subsequently, Anadol obtained consent from patients to utilize their datasets, collected through electroencephalogram (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), to craft a multisensory, immersive art exhibition aimed at advocating mental health through artistic expression.

“Our primary objective is to unearth the dreams of reality and the concepts of reality,” Anadol expressed. “It revolves around the endeavor to discover innovative modes of speculation, and I believe that the future of imagination, coupled with neural networks and material integration, presents ample opportunities for creatives to reimagine and explore the connections within humanity.”

Through each of these projects, Anadol strives to enrich our capacity for self-expression and meaning-making.

“I am of the opinion that by harnessing AI, be it generative or otherwise, we possess the potential to decipher the language of humanity,” Anadol concluded.

Presenting vivid illustrations of how generative AI technology is reshaping the realm of art, Anadol’s discourse, accompanied by a large screen showcasing his projects, offered the audience tangible insights. Subsequent roundtable discussions among MIT professors further elucidated how this technology could revolutionize diverse fields, ranging from transportation and manufacturing to healthcare, finance, and music.

Among the speakers was Cathy Wu, an assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, who outlined how generative AI could be instrumental in generating synthetic data to prepare autonomous vehicles for rare scenarios, enhance the modeling of traffic patterns, and streamline zoning regulations to alleviate housing shortages.

Reflecting on her research, Wu expressed surprise at the myriad promising applications of generative AI and cautiously expressed optimism regarding its potential to address some of the most pressing challenges in the transportation sector.

“Enduring challenges will remain, and generative AI alone cannot resolve them, but it does introduce a powerful tool to our arsenal,” Wu remarked. “I am encouraged by the notion that, for certain challenges, generative AI could provide the impetus needed to effect meaningful change.”

Another presenter, Marzyeh Ghassemi, an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, illustrated how certain models could perpetuate disparities by recommending that African Americans displaying violent behavior be incarcerated, while suggesting their white counterparts receive medical attention.

Nonetheless, Ghassemi highlighted that the manner in which decision-makers engage with these models ultimately determines whether biases are exacerbated.

“Perhaps we can achieve a safe integration of these tools without flawless models, similar to what other industries like aviation have accomplished,” Ghassemi proposed. “To advance with AI in healthcare, we must acknowledge that this is an ongoing process necessitating diverse datasets and considerations of varied needs.”

Each example presented throughout the session underscored a technology whose societal impact should be guided by those most affected by it.

“The transformative potential of integrating generative AI into diverse domains is truly captivating,” Anadol remarked in conclusion. “Through collaborative efforts with musicians, fellow artists, and the public, there exists a beautiful and promising future to explore.”

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Last modified: February 6, 2024
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