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### Advancing Healthcare Standards in 2024 through AI Integration

Regulators are starting to see an opportunity to incentivize the use of artificial intelligence and…

The previous year represented a significant milestone for artificial intelligence in the healthcare sector, with medical service organizations embracing groundbreaking advancements set to revolutionize medical supply chains in the future.

According to Ronen Lavi, the CEO and co-founder of Navina, a company specializing in AI systems for essential maintenance data, the upcoming period is expected to bring additional layers of scientific and governmental complexity. This evolution will prompt policymakers and healthcare organizations to further hone their understanding and utilization of AI, adapting to the changing landscape known as the “new normal.”

In a recent discussion with Healthcare IT News, Lavi outlined three key trends that medical leaders should keep an eye on in 2024: the meaningful utilization of AI, the concept of explainable AI, and the increased adoption of innovative, tech-driven payment models.

Q. You mentioned the initiation of steps towards achieving the “meaningful use” of AI this year. Can you elaborate on this development?

A. The integration of AI into various operational processes across industries, exemplified by the introduction of OpenAI’s ChatGPT in 2023, signaled significant progress. This integration sparked expectations of transformative changes in work dynamics, highlighting the role of the “knowledge employee” in various sectors. In the medical field, numerous AI-driven functions have been introduced, including external dictation, task organization, and decision support for scientific endeavors.

In response to the increasing prevalence of electronic health records, regulators have implemented incentive programs to facilitate the shift from paper-based to electronic records. This transition aims to improve connectivity, quality, and safety in patient care.

Healthcare professionals are increasingly relying on AI-powered systems for data analysis and insights, tapping into the wealth of patient information stored digitally across different platforms. Clinicians now have improved access to AI-generated data summaries and queries, with regulators expected to identify opportunities to promote the adoption of these solutions for a more comprehensive view of individual patients, ultimately enhancing both patient safety and the quality of care delivered.

Q. The issue of “black box” techniques has raised concerns in healthcare. You mentioned that 2024 will witness the rise of intelligent, explainable AI. Could you delve deeper into this complex topic?

A. In 2023, leaders in clinical and nursing IT witnessed a surge in innovative AI applications within clinical and administrative workflows. Over time, these leaders have gained a better understanding of AI’s capabilities and limitations within their respective domains.

Despite ongoing advancements pushing the boundaries of AI capabilities, the fundamental clinician-patient interaction remains indispensable in healthcare. AI should complement, not replace, human engagement in patient care. Professionals are now more cautious about exaggerated claims regarding AI’s ability to address staffing challenges, particularly after experiencing the AI hype cycle.

Professionals are actively seeking ways to mitigate risks associated with AI-generated “hallucinations” based on large language models. They are incorporating inputs from various sources and AI engines to ensure patient safety and mitigate legal liabilities, especially in medical settings. The expectation is that AI systems gaining acceptance among physicians will be those that can explain AI-generated insights, empowering clinicians to make informed decisions, aligning with the emphasis on regulatory accountability in AI by President Biden.

Q. Conversely, you anticipate that the inflationary environment will drive the adoption of sophisticated, technology-enabled payment models in 2024. How will this unfold?

A. The significant inflation observed in 2023, coupled with advancements in the scientific and pharmaceutical sectors, has led to increased costs related to labor, processes, and medications.

The investment market for value-based care experienced substantial growth last year, with examples such as Aledade securing significant funding and Walmart exploring the acquisition of ChenMed. In a landscape where cost pressures are mounting, providers and health plans are increasingly shifting towards value-based care models.

Health plans are expected to increase investments in initiatives aimed at reducing overall healthcare expenses and move away from traditional fee-for-service models. Some health plans are even becoming more involved in care delivery as “payviders.”

Pressures from health plans and financial considerations may drive hospitals and health systems to expedite the transition to value-based payment arrangements. To support this transition effectively, healthcare leaders may explore cutting-edge technologies to help medical staff adapt to new workflows and documentation requirements.

The year 2024 is set to witness a rapid evolution at the intersection of technology and medicine, addressing the challenges posed by the maturation and widespread adoption of initial advancements while paving the way for further progress. Healthcare stakeholders are likely to prioritize initiatives aimed at reducing overall care costs, focusing on technology-driven, value-based care strategies in the evolving macroenvironment.

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Last modified: January 5, 2024
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