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### Pandora Embraces o9 Solutions’ AI Planning

Jewelry brand Pandora has partnered with o9 Solutions, a provider of enterprise artificial intellig…

To enhance its capabilities in integrated planning, the renowned jewelry brand Pandora has partnered with o9 Solutions, a provider of enterprise artificial intelligence (AI) software platforms.

As per a recent press release, Pandora has opted for o9’s AI-driven Digital Brain platform to revolutionize its planning and merchandising processes entirely.

Over the last four years, Pandora has experienced significant growth, establishing itself as the leading luxury jewelry retailer globally. Recognizing the necessity for enhancing its planning and merchandising operations amidst its ongoing transformation, the company sought a solution.

Pandora selected the o9 Digital Brain platform due to its comprehensive features, allowing for the management of various planning requirements across manufacturing, supply chain, and retail sectors seamlessly.

Kristofer Löhmos, the senior vice president of global merchandising at Pandora, emphasized the importance of meeting consumer demands promptly in today’s fiercely competitive and rapidly evolving business landscape. He stated, “As we strive to delight our global customers, o9’s Digital Brain program will facilitate the transformation of our planning processes and enhance product availability.”

o9’s AI-powered platform for integrated business planning and decision-making empowers planning processes by stimulating demand, aligning demand with supply, and optimizing business operations. The platform integrates big data analytics, scenario planning algorithms, interactive dashboards, and other tools with graph-based business modeling.

Chakri Gottemukkala, Co-founder, and CEO of o9 Solutions expressed enthusiasm in supporting Pandora’s digital transformation journey to enhance its planning processes across the supply chain and financial operations. The Digital Brain provides a future-proof solution poised to evolve into more advanced planning capabilities, including ESG (environmental, social, and governance), aligning with Pandora’s growth and evolving planning requirements.

According to PYMNTS, modern online tools such as AI and technological capabilities are revolutionizing supply chains, aiding businesses in refining their forecasting with dynamic inventory projections, real-time visibility, and enhanced operational advantages.

Customers, suppliers, shippers, and carriers are increasingly embracing digital tools to optimize stocking processes and ensure product availability on shelves efficiently.

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Last modified: February 12, 2024
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