Written by 9:11 am Academic, AI

### Dartmouth’s Inclusion in the AI Alliance: Insights from Officials and Academics

Dartmouth joined the nascent AI alliance to connect industry leaders and facilitate the exchange of…

The College announced its membership in the AI Alliance, a founding member, in early December. The AI Alliance collaborates with decision-makers in state, higher education, and systems at Dartmouth, the location of the 1956 conference that coined the term “artificial intelligence.”

The alliance aims to “accelerate development across the Artificial technology landscape to benefit people and society globally,” as stated on its website. Provost David Kotz ‘86 highlighted the initial focus on establishing partnership alliances.

Kotz emphasized the need for formality in defining an alliance as a group of entities agreeing to cooperate. He posed questions about the nature of this cooperation, including the obligations and rights of each team member.

Professor George Cybenko mentioned the alliance’s goal to “identify attention areas” for collaborative research endeavors. Former Dartmouth researcher Alexy Khrabrov and IBM Open-Source Science Community Director collaborated with Cybenko to establish a network of researchers advancing open-source applications for scientific acceleration, leading to their invitation to join the AI Alliance. Kotz expressed the administration’s view that the alliance presents a significant opportunity for Dartmouth.

Kotz noted that “AI is a rapidly expanding field” with intriguing technological and social challenges. He advocated for Dartmouth’s active engagement with the tech sector to address these issues.

Cybenko underscored the financial support from alliance partners like IBM and Meta for AI research at Dartmouth. He highlighted the disparity in resources between academic institutions and companies, emphasizing the synergistic relationship between them.

CPHAI producer Saeed Hassanpour highlighted the collaboration between academia and industry through Dartmouth’s Center for Precision Health and Artificial Intelligence (CPHAI). He emphasized the importance of developing comprehensive metrics to evaluate AI models in healthcare effectively.

Hassanpour emphasized the value of diverse data sources in creating meaningful healthcare models. He stressed the importance of reducing biases in AI models for more effective and equitable healthcare solutions.

Cybenko mentioned that the AI Alliance will provide opportunities for Dartmouth students to engage with tech companies through internships and research collaborations.

Kotz mentioned that the AI Alliance’s initiatives will involve undergraduate and graduate students, raising awareness about AI advancements and enabling the Dartmouth community to contribute to the field.

Overall, the AI Alliance is poised to offer Dartmouth faculty and students the chance to stay abreast of technological advancements and engage in discussions shaping the future of AI systems.

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Last modified: January 4, 2024
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