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### The Potential Impact of ChatGPT and Generative AI on Your Business

The changes set to arrive in the coming year won’t destroy humanity, but they may indeed wreak havo…

In June 2023, Yale University convened a gathering of 150 founders and CEOs from Fortune 500 companies to delve into the realms of artificial intelligence, exploring its “threats, desire, and buzz.” This distinguished assembly, which also included prominent professors, investors, and government officials, engaged in discussions covering various topics, with a particular focus on a contentious issue:

Can AI lead to the obliteration of mankind?

Among the attendees, divergent viewpoints emerged. A notable 58% of the participants viewed concerns about this existential threat as exaggerated. In contrast, 8% harbored apprehensions that AI could potentially bring about the destruction of humanity within a mere five years. Additionally, 34% envisioned a timeline of 10 years for AI to pose such a peril.

However, a striking revelation from the survey highlighted that none of the respondents expressed apprehension regarding the possibility of AI bringing about the end of society within a year.

While this absence of immediate concern may seem reassuring, it raises important considerations for those entrusted with shaping the future of their businesses. The impending transformations, though unlikely to result in humanity’s demise in the short term, could have severe repercussions on enterprises if not proactively addressed.

Here are three ways in which the advent of conceptual AI could adversely impact sluggish entities:

1. Disparity in Productivity:

Recent discussions have underscored the substantial productivity and efficiency gains that businesses embracing AI stand to reap. Across various domains such as customer support, sales, marketing, product development, software engineering, supply chain management, and dynamic intelligence, AI has demonstrated its capacity to bolster revenues and streamline operations significantly.

Statistics reveal that the average productivity surge attributed to AI stands at 14%, with certain enterprises witnessing spikes of up to 400%. Noteworthy is the fact that in 2022, 8% of pioneering AI adopters credited a substantial 20% of their EBIT to AI, even before the widespread adoption of technologies like ChatGPT. Moreover, a staggering 92% of large corporations reaped returns on their AI investments during that period.

The trajectory ahead appears promising, with projections indicating that generative AI alone could augment global output by a staggering $4.4 trillion annually—exceeding the GDP of the United Kingdom. Consequently, enterprises that fail to actively seek out AI-driven opportunities risk falling behind their competitors and failing to bridge the performance gap.

2. AI-Fueled Cyberattacks:

Recent alerts have highlighted the emergence of malevolent actors leveraging conceptual AI to perpetrate fraudulent activities. Reports indicate a 75% uptick in cyberattacks over the past year, largely attributed to generative AI technologies. Following the advent of ChatGPT, there was a notable 135% surge in novel social engineering attacks between January and February 2023 alone.

These sophisticated attacks encompass a spectrum of tactics, including deceptive phishing emails leveraging advanced language models and instances of digital impersonation through deep fake and voice replication technologies. Beyond these, AI is leveraged to identify targets, extract sensitive information, assess code vulnerabilities, and craft malware tailored to exploit these weaknesses. The accessibility of such capabilities to individuals with minimal technical expertise underscores the severity of the threat posed by AI-powered cyberattacks.

The repercussions of a potent AI-driven cyber assault extend beyond mere financial losses, potentially encompassing data breaches, erosion of customer trust, and depreciation of organizational assets.

3. Unprecedented Disruption:

A fourth pressing concern for business leaders and board members pertains to the potential for upheaval at an unprecedented pace. The swift impact of large language models, exemplified by the swift adoption of ChatGPT post its release, underscores the disruptive potential of AI technologies. Instances such as the rapid decline in the stock value of the language learning software Chegg following the surge in ChatGPT usage serve as poignant reminders of AI’s capacity to swiftly reshape industries.

While historical precedents like Netflix displacing Blockbuster over a span of 13 years or the gradual influence of Uber and Airbnb on the hospitality and transportation sectors offer insights, the accelerated pace of AI-driven disruptions necessitates heightened vigilance. Industries ranging from healthcare, finance, logistics, and customer service to e-commerce are identified as particularly vulnerable to lightning-speed transformations catalyzed by AI advancements.

As Ernest Hemingway aptly captured in “The Sun Also Rises,” the onset of such upheavals follows a trajectory of gradual progression culminating in sudden, transformative shifts. While the specter of an imminent “code red” may not loom large presently, proactive measures to assess and mitigate potential disruptions are imperative.

In conclusion, while the immediate extinction of humanity at the hands of AI appears improbable, the evolving business landscape is poised for significant upheavals that could reshape industry dynamics. Vigilance, strategic foresight, and a proactive stance on integrating AI discussions into organizational deliberations are advocated to navigate the evolving AI landscape effectively. For those keen on understanding how AI influences business outcomes, leveraging AI for competitive advantages, and mitigating AI-related risks, continued engagement in pertinent discussions and staying abreast of developments is strongly recommended.

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Last modified: February 3, 2024
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