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– Bandai admits sloppy editing in Naruto game, denies AI voice-over

This Naruto game didn’t use AI. It just sounds bad.

The English version of the recently launched Naruto game, Naruto x Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections, faced criticism for its subpar voice acting, prompting speculation among fans that artificial intelligence might have been involved in generating some of the lines. However, Bandai Namco clarified to Polygon that AI was not utilized in creating the voiceovers. Instead, the publisher attributed the poor quality to “inconsistencies” during the editing and mastering phases.

This incident reflects a broader trend where audiences associate substandard entertainment products with AI involvement, highlighting the misconception that AI is responsible for perceived low quality. It underscores the challenges faced in the fast-paced game development landscape that prioritizes frequent releases and updates.

Upon its release earlier this month, Naruto x Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections failed to make a significant impact in the saturated market of Naruto spinoff games. The focus shifted to the stiff and unconvincing English voice-over, prompting reactions from voice actors on social media. Maile Flanagan, the English voice of Naruto, and Michael Schwalbe, who voices Kawaki in the Boruto: Next Generations English dub, expressed disbelief at the delivery of their lines, leading to discussions among fans about the potential use of AI in voice acting.

Bandai Namco’s subsequent statement to Polygon clarified that the voice lines were not AI-generated but suffered from issues in the editing and mastering process. The company acknowledged the concerns raised by fans and the voice acting community and committed to addressing the problematic voice lines through a forthcoming patch.

This incident underscores the evolving landscape where distinguishing between AI-generated and human-created content remains a challenge for consumers. It also highlights the perception that AI is often associated with lower quality outcomes. As the industry grapples with tight deadlines and management expectations, the quality of a product may be compromised, irrespective of whether humans or algorithms are involved in its creation.

The resolution of the Naruto game voice-over issue serves as a reminder of the dual nature of AI as a supportive tool or a potential source of misuse. In an industry marked by intense competition and rapid development cycles, concerns surrounding AI utilization are likely to persist. As major players like Microsoft invest in AI technologies, skepticism regarding its application is understandable given the complexities and pressures faced by developers in the gaming industry.

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Last modified: February 9, 2024
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