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### China Utilizes Artificial Intelligence to Spread Misinformation Globally

A new report by Microsoft Threat Intelligence outlines how China’s influence operations have ramped…

In advance of the crucial January election in Taiwan, China has intensified its efforts to influence public opinion through various means, including fabricating a political endorsement, utilizing memes to provoke outrage over Japan’s nuclear wastewater disposal, and promoting conspiracy theories linking the U.S. government to incidents like Hawaii’s wildfire and Kentucky’s train derailment. These tactics, leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), aim to disseminate disinformation and foster discord globally, as outlined in a recent report by Microsoft Threat Intelligence.

The report highlights a surge in China’s influence operations, emphasizing the use of AI to enhance content creation and dissemination. Notably, Chinese actors deployed AI-generated audio recordings and memes to manipulate perceptions of Taiwanese political figures, particularly during the lead-up to the presidential and legislative elections. This marked the first instance of a nation-state employing AI-generated content to sway a foreign election, underscoring the evolving landscape of digital influence campaigns.

Beyond Taiwan, China’s influence activities extended to amplifying propaganda and inciting public anger, notably targeting South Koreans regarding Japan’s Fukushima nuclear wastewater issue. Moreover, China’s actors propagated conspiracy narratives questioning the U.S. government’s involvement in disasters like wildfires and train accidents, aiming to sow mistrust and discord among the populace.

In the realm of U.S.-focused influence operations, Chinese actors utilized “sockpuppet” accounts and generative AI to pose as American voters, engaging in divisive discourse on social media platforms. Despite the sophistication of these tactics, Microsoft observes limited evidence of significant impact on public opinion thus far.

Apart from influence operations, Chinese cyber actors have also engaged in network infiltration activities, targeting critical infrastructure and entities in the South China Sea region. This includes compromising telecommunication networks during U.S. military exercises, raising concerns about cybersecurity vulnerabilities and strategic implications in the region.

Furthermore, North Korea’s cyber activities, including cryptocurrency theft and AI-driven operations, were highlighted in the report, underscoring ongoing threats to aerospace, defense organizations, and diplomatic entities in the U.S. and South Korea.

In response to mounting cybersecurity challenges, Microsoft has faced scrutiny over its handling of Chinese threats and security lapses. Despite criticisms, the company has pledged to bolster its security measures and combat cyber threats more effectively moving forward.

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Tags: , Last modified: April 6, 2024
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