Written by 11:15 pm Healthcare, Latest news, Medical

– Mayo Clinic Partners with Cerebras to Develop Innovative AI Solutions

Mayo Clinic has signed Silicon Valley tech startup Cerebras as its first generative AI partner, the…

The health system declared on Monday that Mayo Clinic has enlisted Cerebras, a technology firm from Silicon Valley, as its inaugural relational AI collaborator.

During the J. P. Morgan Healthcare Conference, officials revealed that Cerebras will be the recipient of a substantial investment from the health system, known for its innovative research and openness to partnering with tech firms, to aid in the advancement of technological tools leveraging Mayo’s extensive repository of anonymized patient data. While the exact financial details were not disclosed by either Mayo or Cerebras, it was described as a significant multimillion-dollar commitment spanning multiple years.

With a workforce of approximately 380 individuals, Cerebras specializes in designing and marketing supercomputers tailored for AI applications across various sectors, positioning the emerging company as a formidable competitor to industry giant Nvidia Corp. Major players in the life sciences domain such as GSK have utilized their technology for drug discovery, and they have established collaborations with the health network of the United Arab Emirates. Nonetheless, this marks the company’s inaugural Artificial collaboration with an American healthcare institution. The partnership grants Mayo access to Cerebras’ supercomputing resources along with a team of researchers to aid in crafting health-focused models, with Mayo retaining ownership of the output generated.

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Last modified: January 9, 2024
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