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### Forecasting the Future: Consulting Top AI Bots for 2024 Insights

From ChatGPT taking the world by storm to sparking historic Hollywood strikes. Artificial intellige…

From the worldwide recognition of ChatGPT to its impact on major motion pictures, the emergence of artificial intelligence occurred in 2023.

Looking forward to 2024, what can we anticipate from cutting-edge technology? Daily Mail.com gathered insights from prominent AI chatbots—Google’s Bard and Amazon—regarding their future, unveiling intriguing discoveries.

In contrast to ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Bing, which depend on outdated information, these two conversational agents utilize real-time internet data to shape their predictions.

Here are the main points to consider:

  • AI methodologies might progress to the stage of independent decision-making.

  • Claude.Ai predicted that initial AI models would showcase AGI, or “artificial general intelligence.”

The rise of AGI is set to instigate significant societal changes due to its potential as an intelligent entity capable of executing any cognitive task that humans can.

AI has made some big predictions for 2024

Interestingly, former OpenAI staff members who developed ChatGPT established Anthropic, the parent organization of Claude, with support from Google and Amazon.

In recent years, AI systems have proven their ability to match or exceed human performance in specific domains such as image recognition, gameplay, and language processing, as highlighted by Claude in discussions with Daily Mail.com.

“These advancements have been driven by methods like deep learning and neural networks functioning on robust computing infrastructure.” Substantial investments from major tech firms indicate a consistent momentum in advancement.

Some AI experts foresee the emergence of “Artificial General Intelligence” (AGI) algorithms that can replicate human adaptability and versatility across various tasks and environments.

Entities like DeepMind, OpenAI, Google Brain, and Anthropic are actively pursuing AGI. By 2024, although a comprehensive grasp of general intelligence may remain elusive, we could witness demonstrations of systems exhibiting enhanced reasoning, creativity, and decision-making capabilities.

Claude.Ai emphasized potential challenges related to AI, including unpredictable behavior and technological progress outpacing human adaptability.

On a different note, Bard suggested that biological enhancements improving human abilities could materialize in 2024.

The AI hinted at potential breakthroughs in “Brain-Computer Interfaces,” enabling direct connections between human neurons and servers.

AI has made some big predictions for 2024

In the near future, Neuralink, led by Elon Musk, intends to explore this technology with volunteers.

As per a Foresight Stock analysis, over a third of consumers may be willing to undergo implantation for accelerated computer connectivity.

“Advances in biocompatible materials and mechanical engineering could lead to artificial limbs that restore near-natural motor function or even surpass animal capabilities in strength and dexterity,” as proposed by Bard. Such enhancements could enhance physical strength for activities like heavy lifting, military duties, or assisting the elderly.

The introduction of “Brain-Computer Interfaces” (BCIs) could enable control of implants, external devices, or digital environments, facilitating direct mind-computer interactions. Potential applications include communication for individuals with paralysis, improved creativity and efficiency, or even brain-to-brain communication.

Devices capable of simulating realistic tactile sensations hold promise for transforming virtual reality and other interactive experiences, providing enhanced feedback in gaming, entertainment, and medical training.

The realm of personalized medicine, where treatment solutions are customized based on individual DNA profiles, stands to fundamentally reshape human healthcare.

Bard anticipated that AI would be a catalyst for advancements in personalized medicine in the near future.

Precision medicine, or “personalized medicine,” aims to tailor treatments and preventive measures based on each patient’s unique genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. AI is revolutionizing this field by spearheading innovations across various healthcare aspects:

  • AI can pinpoint risk factors for specific diseases by analyzing extensive genetic datasets, enabling targeted interventions and personalized prevention strategies.

  • By analyzing electronic health records (EHRs) to uncover hidden patterns linking symptoms, medications, and outcomes, AI can facilitate more precise diagnoses and personalized treatment recommendations.

  • “AI can analyze individual data and forecast how patients might respond to different treatments, assisting physicians in selecting the most effective and safe options for each individual.”

Barad emphasized the significance of protecting personal data and ensuring unbiased AI applications in healthcare.

As the 2024 elections approach, concerns about foreign interference and cyberattacks loom large. These intertwined risks have the potential to significantly influence public opinion, sow discord, and compromise the integrity of the political process.

Election-related alert

Google’s Bard predicted that malicious actors could exploit technology to disrupt the upcoming national elections in the United States.

Issues with voting machines could serve as one avenue for such interference, warned Bard in partnership with Gemini Pro.

AI has made some big predictions for 2024

According to Bard, threat actors may target voter registration databases, voting machines, or results reporting systems to disrupt the electoral process, cast doubt on the outcome, and influence results.

Sensitive voter information or campaign data could be compromised for purposes of intimidation, targeted disinformation campaigns, or voter suppression tactics.

“Machines and fake accounts could amplify specific narratives, silence dissenting voices, and propagate propaganda.” Deepfakes, manipulated audio or video content, further blur the lines between reality and fiction.

Customized fake news articles, social media posts, or tailored messages could exploit existing biases and concerns to sway voters towards particular candidates or dissuade them from voting altogether.

Geopolitical tensions involving China are escalating.

According to Claude Anthropic, hostilities between the United States and China are expected to intensify further in 2024.

The longstanding tensions between Taiwan and China, with the latter asserting its claim over the politically autonomous region, have heightened through political and military maneuvers in recent decades.

Claude identified several key factors contributing to the heightened tensions among China, the US, and their European allies.

Taiwan remains a focal point of contention, as China perceives it as a breakaway state that should be reunified with the mainland by force if necessary.

However, Taiwan has solidified its distinct political identity, garnering support from the US for self-determination and military aid, thereby straining relations with China.

“The formal independence of Taiwan in 2024 could trigger heightened posturing or even military actions from China.”

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Last modified: January 2, 2024
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