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### Magicians of the Coast Reject Claims of AI Participation in Magic: The Gathering Art

Wizards of the Coast has hit back at claims one of its latest promotional images were made using AI…

One of Wizards of the Coast’s most recent promotional images has stirred up controversy, with allegations of AI conceptual tools being utilized in its development. However, the company has vehemently refuted these claims.

Accusations flooded the social media platforms of Magicians of the Coast, suggesting that the image, showcasing an updated deck of cards, was crafted with the assistance of AI. The caption accompanying the image, “I’m positively shocked how great these lands look in vintage frame,” added fuel to the fire of speculation.

In response to the uproar, Magicians of the Coast reiterated its stance, emphasizing that individuals involved in creating Magic TCG content, such as musicians, authors, and artists, are strictly prohibited from employing AI tools. This directive underscores the company’s dedication to preserving the authenticity of their Magic products.

Despite facing backlash, WotC stood firm in their position, rejecting the allegations of AI involvement in the promotional image’s creation. While acknowledging the fans’ concerns regarding the stylistic discrepancies in the image, the company reiterated that human artists, not AI, were the architects behind its design.

While athletes and artists raised alarms about anomalies in the image, such as the presence of a pressure gauge and various equipment in the background, WotC has yet to offer additional clarification on the issue. Fans have demanded transparency from the company, urging them to acknowledge and credit the artists responsible for the artwork to dispel any doubts surrounding AI participation.

Mark Rosewater, the head designer of Magic: The Gathering, recently addressed fan criticism concerning potential crossover promotions in MTG. Fans expressed worries about upholding the game’s integrity as a cohesive entity and voiced concerns about straying from its fundamental identity.

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Last modified: January 12, 2024
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