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### Film Review: Embracing AI in “The Creator”

“The Creator,” directed and co-written by Gareth Edwards, is a familiar blend of sci-fi films of th…

“The Creator,” a film co-written and directed by Gareth Edwards, is renowned for its fusion of sci-fi elements reminiscent of classic movies. However, its unique portrayal of machines and artificial intelligence (AI) sets it apart. Unlike films such as “The Terminator” or “I, Robot,” which typically depict machines as a threat to humanity, “The Creator” presents a scenario where machines are depicted as being under threat. In this narrative, a minority faction known as AI faces potential elimination by the US authorities.

For those who may only skim through the initial paragraph, I recommend viewing the film on the largest screen available to fully appreciate the grandiose visuals and high-budget production.

In the conclusion of the DVD, the film delves into the pervasive integration of AI into American society. AI evolves into a distinct entity known as “Simulants,” seamlessly blending into various facets of society such as the workplace, law enforcement, and other traditionally human-dominated spheres. When a catastrophic event involving a nuclear weapon unfolds in Los Angeles, resulting in mass casualties, a shift in the dynamics between Simulants and humans occurs. While AI is initially blamed for the incident, the true culprit is eventually revealed.

Subsequently, the United States declares war on AI, perceiving the Simulants as a threat to humanity. As the narrative unfolds, Joshua Taylor, portrayed by John David Washington, embarks on a quest to locate Nirmata, “The Creator” of the Simulants, in “Fresh Asian,” a sanctuary for individuals seeking harmony and unity.

The storyline, centered around the theme of a reluctant paternal figure bonding with an unrelated child, offers a compelling exploration of humanity and the conflict between man and machine. The film excels in its immersive experience, particularly in its portrayal of the devices and the efforts made by the filmmakers to humanize them. In “The Creator,” the systems engage in religious practices, embodying characteristics akin to Buddhist monks while engaging in familial support, mourning their dead, and exhibiting human-like behaviors such as smoking, laughter, and consumption. The Simulants are portrayed as individuals in every significant aspect.

The film introduces a thought-provoking twist to the Humanity vs. AI debate by questioning who truly oppresses the models if they are considered the oppressed. The portrayal of the United States as the antagonist, depicted as an imperialistic power determined to eradicate AI, draws parallels to historical conflicts against communism and terrorism. The violence inflicted upon the Simulants mirrors the brutality of past conflicts like the Vietnam War, serving as a metaphor for injustice inflicted upon the innocent by malevolent forces. The depiction of an AI-based super-weapon that disregards borders and national sovereignty, while impactful, may come across as heavy-handed, particularly in contrast to the poignant moments where machines exhibit human-like qualities in thriving communities.

Personal enjoyment of the film varied among viewers, with one audience member praising the stunning visuals while critiquing the narrative’s coherence, and another acknowledging its length yet appreciating its construction.

Overall, “The Creator” offers a captivating cinematic experience that prompts reflection and leaves audiences with lingering questions. It respects the audience’s intelligence and sparks diverse post-viewing discussions, showcasing its ability to provoke thought and engagement.

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Last modified: February 10, 2024
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