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– AI-Powered Los Angeles Startup Decreases Concrete Carbon Footprint

Startup Concrete.ai says field tests show its technology reduced CO2 emissions by 30%, while cuttin…

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Over the last ten years, the researchers at UCLA’s Institute for Carbon Management have been dedicated to leveraging data to mitigate the environmental impact of concrete. Today, the startup born from their research, Concrete.ai, announced that through field tests utilizing its AI-powered software, emissions were reduced by 30%, alongside cost savings exceeding $5 per cubic yard.

This development is significant due to the fact that cement, a primary component of concrete, contributes to 8% of global carbon dioxide emissions, a key factor in the planet’s escalating climate crisis. Despite its widespread use in construction globally due to its durability and affordability, cement production is a major emitter of greenhouse gases. Concrete.ai’s innovative approach aims to optimize concrete mixes by recommending alternatives like fly ash or slag in place of cement, thereby reducing the need for cement while maintaining structural integrity, leading to substantial carbon footprint reductions.

Concrete.ai’s technology, known as Concrete Copilot, is set for commercial deployment, with early adoption by three commercial customers and plans to expand to 80 plants by the year’s end. The company projects revenue to reach $1.5 million in 2024, with the ultimate goal of reducing the global carbon footprint by 500 million tons through optimized concrete formulations.

The endeavor to address the environmental impact of cement and concrete has attracted attention from various quarters, with startups like Prometheus Materials and TerraLUNACO2 offering low-carbon alternatives to traditional cement production. Regulatory measures at federal and state levels are also pushing for sustainable practices in construction, further emphasizing the need for eco-friendly solutions like those offered by Concrete.ai.

Concrete.ai’s AI-driven approach not only benefits concrete production but also holds promise for enhancing other complex materials. By leveraging technology to revolutionize traditional materials like concrete, the company is at the forefront of sustainable innovation in the construction industry.

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Tags: , Last modified: March 20, 2024
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