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### Enhancing Engagement: Correspondence on Natural Gas, DEI Policies, Voting, Immigration, and AI

Letters to the Editor

Opposition to Halt on Natural Gas Activities

Regarding the article “Phelan committee to probe pause on natural gas — House speaker asks group to determine whether Biden had power to freeze permits,” published on March 26 in the Metro & Business section.

America’s crucial role as a global energy leader is paramount for upholding global energy security and supporting our allies. The recent suspension of new and pending liquefied natural gas permits for non-free trade agreement countries poses a threat to this position.

In Texas, leaders are deliberating on the potential consequences of this pause, as highlighted in the article. Here are some key points for their consideration.

In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the United States took proactive steps to assist our allies and emerged as the primary supplier of LNG to Europe. Looking ahead, Europe is likely to increasingly rely on U.S. LNG in the coming decades as Russian gas diminishes.

Looking beyond Europe, the global energy landscape is facing uncertainties, and any further disruptions could jeopardize global energy security.

For those worried about the domestic impact, despite achieving record levels of LNG exports in recent years, American households continue to benefit from some of the lowest residential natural gas prices worldwide.

Texas leaders should voice their opposition to the pause and work towards its reversal to fortify America’s energy future.

Rob Jennings, Washington, D.C.,

Vice President, Natural Gas Markets at the American Petroleum Institute

Importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives

Regarding the articles “States aim to shore up protection as courts erode federal safeguards — A weakened Voting Rights Act spurs Dem lawmakers across U.S.” and “Righting a list’s racial bias — Thousands of Black people kept from kidney transplants,” featured in Tuesday’s news.

These seemingly disparate stories underscore the critical necessity of embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives.

On Page 2A, legislators in multiple states are pushing for state voting rights acts, emphasizing the need to safeguard voters’ rights, as articulated by Minnesota Rep. Emma Greenman.

On Page 3A, the article sheds light on the systematic denial of kidney transplants to Black individuals based on biased criteria that disproportionately affect them.

DEI initiatives play a vital role in exposing and addressing such disparities, whether it involves disenfranchisement through gerrymandering or denial of essential healthcare services. The urgency for DEI laws and initiatives cannot be overstated.

Ron Romaner, North Dallas

Strengthening Advocacy Through Voting

Regarding the article “’The power of the people’ — UTA students protest diversity ban, immigration law, speech restrictions,” published in the Thursday Metro & Business section.

While protesting serves as a powerful avenue for expressing opinions on college campuses, there exists an even more impactful method to amplify voices – voting.

Although the November elections may seem distant, it is never too early to prepare by checking voting details. Registration deadlines and specific procedures, including the prerequisite of registering 30 days before election day, must be adhered to.

In Texas, online registration is not feasible; however, pre-registration is available for individuals aged at least 17 years and 10 months who will be 18 by Election Day.

Visit VoteTexas.gov for comprehensive voting information. Active participation on campuses is commendable, but translating voices into votes holds greater significance. Engage in local, state, and federal elections to effect tangible change.

Perri Brackett, Lewisville

Divergent Republican Perspectives on Immigration

Regarding the articles “Republicans could rescue our workforce,” by Dan Hooper, and “Trump: ‘Bloodbath’ at border destroying U.S.,” published in the Wednesday edition.

Two contrasting Republican viewpoints on immigration were prominently featured in Wednesday’s newspaper.

Hooper advocates for immigrants to replenish the workforce, citing the pressing need highlighted by a Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas study. In contrast, the report on Donald Trump’s border rhetoric underscores a starkly different narrative of chaos and destruction.

While Hooper remains hopeful for a Reagan-esque immigration reform under Republican leadership in the future, the current ideological divide within the party poses challenges to such aspirations.

Bill Maina, North Dallas

Distinguishing Human Intelligence from Artificial Intelligence

Regarding the article “Human intelligence beats artificial intelligence — One thing AI will never replace: The artist’s soul,” penned by Craig Detweiler.

Detweiler’s juxtaposition of human intelligence with artificial intelligence offers valuable insights. While AI demonstrates proficiency in generating content based on existing data, the essence of understanding and imbuing meaning into information remains a uniquely human trait.

The profound question of how consciousness emerges, particularly in relation to carbon-based life forms like humans, underscores the complexity and depth of human intelligence beyond physical attributes.

The exploration of existence transcends mere physicality, hinting at a realm beyond the tangible aspects of life.

Jim Wade, Dallas

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Tags: Last modified: April 8, 2024
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