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### Breaking AI News: Angry Robots, AI FOMO, and $100B Microprocessors

What’s new in artificial intelligence and what does it mean for entrepreneurs? Big tech’s AI …

A recent survey conducted by GoDaddy reveals that 75% of entrepreneurs perceive generative AI as a competitive advantage. However, the question arises: are they fully leveraging this advantage? Meanwhile, the remaining 25% may either be disregarding AI or perhaps too preoccupied with current affairs to grasp its potential. It is imperative not to remain passive but rather actively engage in this realm.

The realm of AI news is inundated with numerous updates that may consume hours of your time. Yet, only a handful of these updates hold significance for your business. Here is a digest of today’s AI news tailored for entrepreneurs and business proprietors, encompassing the tech giants’ fear of missing out (FOMO), Microsoft and OpenAI’s ambitious future plans, and the potential emotional capabilities of robots.

Noteworthy AI Developments Impacting Businesses Today

Tech Giants Investing Heavily in AI Startups Due to FOMO

Amazon recently injected \(2.75 billion into the AI startup Anthropic, marking its most substantial venture deal to date. Following Amazon’s initial announcement in September, other tech behemoths are also pouring substantial funds into artificial intelligence startups to avoid lagging behind in the generative AI surge. Anthropic’s commitment to allocate \)4 billion to Amazon Web Services (AWS) over the next five years signifies a mutually beneficial arrangement for both parties.

For agile entrepreneurs akin to speedboats, as opposed to bureaucratic tech giants akin to cumbersome cruise ships navigating through red tape and corporate intricacies, this scenario presents a window of opportunity. If you are delving into AI development, consider making bold propositions to prominent companies. Seize the moment to solicit investments, propose collaborations, and showcase your agility. While the market may have limited players, those who can participate are making substantial investments. The time is ripe to engage with them.

Microsoft and OpenAI Collaborate on a $100 Billion Supercomputer for AI Advancements

Reports suggest that Microsoft and OpenAI are collaborating on a groundbreaking $100 billion supercomputer named “Stargate,” slated for potential launch by 2028. A Microsoft spokesperson affirmed their perpetual strategic planning to pioneer infrastructure innovations essential for advancing AI capabilities. The trajectory indicates that AI is here to stay, with concerted efforts underway to lay the groundwork for its future dominance. For businesses, merely observing these developments without taking proactive steps could lead to future regrets, akin to missed opportunities such as not investing in domain names in 1985 or Bitcoin in 2012.

OpenAI Unveils Voice Engine Capable of Recreating Human Voices

OpenAI recently introduced Voice Engine, enabling the recreation of an individual’s voice from a brief 15-second recording, with ongoing trials involving select groups. This technology can also translate voices into multiple languages. While an official release date remains pending as OpenAI assesses potential risks like misinformation dissemination and security breaches associated with voice cloning, businesses should prepare for both the benefits and pitfalls. Imagine the possibilities of leveraging cloned voices for content creation or enhancing sales efforts. However, caution is advised, including educating your team and acquaintances about the potential misuse of voice cloning technology.

AI Models Evolving to Emulate Human-Like Emotions

Hume AI, spearheaded by former Google DeepMind AI researcher Alan Cowen, secured $50 million in series B funding to explore the impact of technology on human emotions. The AI toolkit developed by Hume AI goes beyond basic emotions like happiness and sadness, detecting a wide spectrum of 53 emotions such as admiration, adoration, awe, and confusion. While this news may seem inconsequential in itself, understanding the implications of empathetic AI for your business is crucial. Envision a future where AI counterparts engage with your customers in a deeply empathetic manner, revolutionizing customer interactions.

Entrepreneurs Express Discontent with AI-Generated LinkedIn Comments

A prevalent sentiment among entrepreneurs is dissatisfaction with AI-generated comments on LinkedIn. Joe Glover, co-founder of The Marketing Meetup, highlighted the inadequacies of AI-generated responses and emphasized the importance of judiciously applying technology. If you rely on AI tools for generating LinkedIn comments, scrutinize the output to ensure it aligns with your personal brand. Consider alternative approaches or prompt the tool more effectively to enhance authenticity. Some business owners even resort to responding with a simple “🤖” to indicate suspected AI-generated comments.

Seizing Opportunities in the AI Landscape for Business Growth

To thrive in the AI landscape, it is essential to discern pertinent information and take decisive action. Focus on a select few AI tools relevant to your current objectives, rather than being overwhelmed by the plethora of available options. Embrace an AI-centric approach to reimagine your business, conduct thorough research, and make well-informed decisions to propel your business towards success.

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Tags: , Last modified: March 30, 2024
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