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### Exploring AI’s Impact on Education: Kids’ Meetup at Calgary Catholic School District

The Calgary Catholic School District is hosting a meeting on November 28 to address the many questi…

Since the inception of ChatGPT by OpenAI, a considerable amount of time has elapsed, during which both students and educators have integrated the system into their teaching practices.

There appears to be a diminishing level of apprehension and an increasing acknowledgment that artificial intelligence is here to stay, as articulated by Sarah Elaine Eaton, an interactive professor at the University of Calgary Werklund School of Education. She suggests that the current state of artificial intelligence represents the least developed and advanced stage it will ever reach.

Scheduled for November 28, the Calgary Catholic School District is set to convene a meeting to address the myriad concerns voiced by parents regarding the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) within the educational environment.

Parents are posing inquiries such as, “How will it impact knowledge acquisition? How can we prepare our children for the evolving landscape of work, and how can educational institutions facilitate this transition?” Additionally, they seek guidance on incorporating ChatGPT into their home environments, leveraging conceptual AI effectively, and engaging in dialogues with their children on this subject. Kirk Linton, the superintendent for teaching and learning at CCSD, highlighted the importance of not shying away from these discussions.

Linton emphasized the necessity of prioritizing critical thinking skills over the efficiency gains offered by AI when addressing its role in academic settings. While AI may deliver rapid outcomes, the focus should be on fostering profound learning experiences for students. He stressed the significance of emphasizing processes over end products to cultivate a deeper understanding among students.

The school board, under Linton’s guidance, is in the process of formulating AI regulations and collaborating with other jurisdictions to navigate this evolving landscape.

Eaton recommended consistent communication within schools to mitigate discrepancies in rules across different educators. She underscored the importance of clarifying expectations for students to ensure alignment with teachers’ requirements.

Eaton advocated for governmental oversight at the provincial or national level to establish comprehensive policies and guidelines, considering the global accessibility of AI.

The Calgary Board of Education is actively providing guidance and best practices for leveraging AI effectively in educational settings, focusing on responsible usage to support learning outcomes while upholding academic integrity.

Instructors are encouraged to discern the appropriate applications of AI to enhance the learning experience, with additional measures in place to verify the authenticity of student work flagged by AI detection tools.

Both Linton and Eaton highlighted the necessity for teacher training and ongoing dialogues surrounding technology integration in educational settings.

Eaton posited that future job displacement due to AI is not inevitable, emphasizing the importance of equipping students with the skills to leverage technology effectively in the workforce.

In conclusion, prioritizing the preparation of current students for the future job market through a focus on technology literacy and adaptability is paramount, as suggested by Eaton.

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Last modified: February 15, 2024
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