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### AI-Enhanced Code Autocompletion Unveiled in JetBrains IDEs

JetBrains IDEs introduce full line code completion using a built-in language model, starting with t…

JetBrains has integrated full-line code autocompletion into its suite of IDEs (Integrated Development Environments), leveraging AI models that run locally. This enhanced feature is now accessible for Java, Kotlin, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, PHP, Go, and Ruby through the 2024.1 versions of the corresponding IDEs.

The recent launch on April 4th marks a significant milestone for JetBrains, as it delivers a seamless and efficient full-line code completion experience within its IDEs. This functionality ensures that all data processing and analysis take place directly on the user’s device, resulting in swift code completion with minimal latency.

Full-line code autocompletion is now a standard feature across JetBrains IDEs, including IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm, PhpStorm, GoLand, and RubyMine. Looking ahead, JetBrains plans to expand this capability to encompass C#, Rust, and C++ in all JetBrains IDEs that support these programming languages, such as Rider, RustRover, Clion, and Nova.

Key features to be introduced in the 2024.1 versions of JetBrains IDEs include:

  • A revamped terminal with visual and functional enhancements to streamline command-line tasks. The updated terminal facilitates smooth navigation within blocks, separate nesting of each command, command line completion, and access to command history.
  • IntelliJ IDEA now supports the newly released Java 22 and introduces a new Kotlin K2 mode powered by the K2 Kotlin compiler. This compiler enhances code analysis significantly, ensuring stability and advanced features for future Kotlin updates.
  • RubyMine, tailored for Ruby on Rails development, allows the execution of version control commands within the current project’s local SDK context. Git operations will utilize the specific Ruby SDK associated with the project. Additionally, RubyMine now supports Debase 3.0 in conjunction with Ruby 3.3 for debugging purposes.
  • GoLand, designed for Go development, transitions data flow analysis out of beta, enabling inspections to pinpoint potential code issues leading to runtime errors, security vulnerabilities, and other concerns. Moreover, performance enhancements are implemented for highlighting and indexing.
  • PyCharm, catering to Python development, extends full-line code completion to JavaScript, TypeScript, and Python, alongside in-editor code review for GitHub and GitLab. Quick documentation previews for Hugging Face models and datasets are also included.
  • PhpStorm, dedicated to PHP development, introduces support for the Symfony AssetMapper. Developers can now install missing modules and packages via importmap.php and benefit from autocompletion for classes and methods. Additionally, Pest tests can be generated for PHP classes and methods, with support for running tests via PHPUnit 11.

While full-line code autocompletion streamlines code generation, JetBrains AI Assistant, available as a separate plugin and subscription for JetBrains IDEs, offers the ability to autocomplete entire code blocks. This AI Assistant delivers updates with enhanced test generation capabilities and cloud-based code completion features, enhancing the overall coding experience.

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Tags: , Last modified: April 5, 2024
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