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### Tom Cruise from IoT Gets Involved in Olympic Fake News Storm

IOC retorts after major Telegram channel dominated by Russian-language content hosted disinfo.

Hollywood star Tom Cruise has raised concerns about the detrimental impact of corrupt authorities on the time-honored Olympic sports, which have a rich history spanning thousands of years. In a compelling manner, Cruise warns about the gradual erosion of these sports, accompanied by visuals of International Olympic Committee Chairman Thomas Bach.

This intriguing revelation comes from an alleged multi-part series titled “Olympics Has Fallen” on Netflix, which delves into the purported corruption within the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

However, it is crucial to note that this information is entirely fabricated.

Contrary to the claims made, there is no such documentary series on Netflix, and the voice attributed to Cruise was actually generated using artificial intelligence. The meticulously crafted nine-minute episodes are part of what the IOC has labeled as a coordinated propaganda effort against the organization.

In a statement, the IOC addressed the dissemination of false information, stating, “The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has recently been confronted with various misleading posts aimed at discrediting the IOC.” The statement further highlights the production of an entire documentary containing defamatory content, featuring an AI-generated replication of a renowned Hollywood figure.

One of the fabricated video segments depicts an Olympic official discussing the exclusion of Israeli and Palestinian athletes from the 2024 Paris Olympics, based on an unreliable report from a European journalist. These videos were circulated on a Telegram channel with a substantial following of over 400,000 subscribers, predominantly focused on Russian-language content.

Despite the IOC’s directive to remove the misleading videos from YouTube, they continue to circulate on Telegram.

The dissemination of false reports coincided with the IOC’s suspension of the National Olympic Committee of Russia for recognizing regional sports entities in conflict areas such as Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansky, and Zaporizhzhia in Ukraine.

In response to these developments, the IOC declared that athletes from Belarus and Russia would only be permitted to participate in the 2024 Paris Olympics under a neutral flag.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov criticized the IOC’s decision to allow Jewish athletes to compete, citing inconsistencies in how different groups were treated amidst ongoing conflicts.

While affirming its commitment to monitoring the situation, the IOC emphasized its readiness to take appropriate measures as needed, refraining from direct criticism towards any specific parties involved in the dissemination of the fabricated videos.

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Last modified: December 25, 2023
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