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### Exploring Artificial Intelligence: Unveiling the Evolution and Capabilities

CHICAGO — President Joe Biden’s recent executive order on artificial intelligence aims to maximize …

President Joe Biden recently signed an executive order in [CHICAGO] concerning artificial intelligence, with the goal of addressing risks while maximizing the benefits of AI.

One of the key advantages of AI is its ability to detect conditions early. However, alongside its benefits, there are significant concerns related to discrimination, privacy issues, and potential job displacement.

Artificial intelligence, when trained on data, functions as a machine capable of executing human tasks autonomously.

Data act as the fundamental building blocks, providing the necessary information to AI programs for understanding human language. Similar to calculations, algorithms offer the instructions required for AI systems to process and analyze data effectively to accomplish a specific task.

Roman Eng, a cybersecurity analyst, is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Explainable AI.

Eng mentioned that now individuals can interact with robots through visual, auditory, and verbal communication.

You may be familiar with Chat GPT developed by OpenAI, which functions as a chatbot allowing users to input queries for quick responses.

Eng demonstrated his technical expertise at the Schaumburg Township District Library by sending two PDF books to an AI software for summarization, which was completed in just over 20 seconds.

Under a new capital program, migrants are limited to a 60-day stay in sanctuary.

AI plays a crucial role in medical advancements, aiding doctors in early cancer detection and performing complex and repetitive tasks efficiently, despite the existing challenges.

To access a robot’s description, users can utilize the website version of OpenAI.

Eng highlighted that there are two distinct aspects to consider in this context.

While the ability of AI to describe images can be beneficial, Eng speculated that AI may eventually identify specific details within a photo, such as identifying individuals or locations.

Eng advised caution regarding the content uploaded online, particularly on social media platforms. Kashmir Hill, the author of “Your Mouth Belongs to Us” and a tech reporter for the New York Times, focuses on advanced AI-powered visual recognition technology, including Clearview AI, a visual identification company unveiled in 2020.

In the Humboldt Park food delivery driver homicide case, a $2,000 reward was announced.

Clearview AI, a small New York company, collected billions of images from social media and public online sources without consent to develop an app for user recognition and online presence tracking.

Clearview AI has collaborated with numerous law enforcement agencies, providing visual recognition technology to aid in criminal investigations.

Hill revealed that Clearview AI received cease-and-desist letters from companies like Facebook and LinkedIn for unauthorized image scraping.

Illinois has stringent regulations regarding facial recognition systems, enforced through the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act of 2008, which includes biometric identifiers like facial features, fingerprints, and iris scans.

Businesses in Illinois must adhere to strict guidelines when using facial recognition technology, including informing customers about its usage and access.

The ACLU filed a significant complaint against Clearview AI, alleging violations of Illinois laws related to biometric information privacy.

In a settlement reached in May 2022, Clearview AI agreed to restrict access to its facial recognition database globally, except in Illinois where sharing with law enforcement is limited for five years.

Clearview AI also implemented an opt-out mechanism for Illinois residents to prevent their images from appearing in search results.

According to Clearview AI, their opt-out system complies with Illinois laws and the terms of the agreement with the ACLU.

Glenberg emphasized the significance of using state laws to regulate large companies like Clearview AI.

Addressing artificial discrimination and privacy concerns, Renée Cummings, a data science professor and AI ethicist, advocates for diversity in the technology industry to mitigate biases in AI data collection.

Cummings highlighted the adverse impact of biased data on communities of color, particularly in criminal justice systems where predictive analytics overestimate risks for Black and Brown individuals.

Facial recognition technologies exhibit lower accuracy rates for individuals with dark skin tones due to biased training data predominantly featuring light-skinned individuals.

A study called Gender Shades revealed the bias in facial recognition systems, where individuals with lighter skin tones were overrepresented in datasets.

Cummings noted the challenges faced by dark-skinned individuals, especially women, with facial recognition technology leading to wrongful arrests.

The Chicago City Council passed a law granting employees 10 paid days off.

Ethical considerations in AI education are crucial, as observed by Nadia Pesch at Lane Tech, who encountered instances of cheating involving Chat GPT among colleagues.

Robert Berg, a computer science professor, emphasized the importance of educators being able to detect academic dishonesty effectively.

According to a report by Goldman Sachs, AI is projected to have a minimal impact on manual labor sectors like maintenance, repair, and construction, while significantly transforming fields such as education, computer programming, sales, marketing, and management.

Eng believes that despite the challenges posed by job displacement, technology ultimately creates more job opportunities than it eliminates.

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Last modified: February 22, 2024
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