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### Sam Altman Discusses Being Terminated and Reinstated at OpenAI

Altman explains why he decided to return to OpenAI and what comes next for the company.

By Alex Heath, a deputy editor and writer of the Command Line newsletter, who has extensively covered the tech industry for more than a decade at The Information and various other publications.

Upon being asked by OpenAI’s board to return just a day after his termination, Sam Altman initially experienced feelings of defiance, hurt, and anger.

“It took me a few moments to shift my mindset and move past the ego and emotions to realize, ‘Yes, I do want to return,’” he shared during our phone conversation on Wednesday. “I have a deep affection for the company and have dedicated a significant portion of my life to it over the past four and a half years, and even longer with most of my time. We are making remarkable strides towards the mission that I am deeply passionate about—the mission of developing safe and beneficial AGI.”

Following a five-day boardroom upheaval, Altman was reinstated as the CEO of OpenAI on Wednesday. Additionally, Microsoft, the company’s primary investor, is set to assume a non-voting board position.

In our discussion, Altman consistently avoided addressing the pressing question on everyone’s minds: the precise reason behind his dismissal. The new board, under Bret Taylor’s leadership, will undertake an independent inquiry into the circumstances. “I wholeheartedly support this,” Altman expressed.

Below is my complete interview with OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and CTO Mira Murati, slightly edited for clarity:

Sam, let’s address the elephant in the room first, which is the lingering uncertainty regarding the cause of your termination. Why do you believe you were let go?

Sam Altman: The board will be conducting an independent review, and I welcome this. At present, I have little else to add, but I am eager to gain further insights.

Why do you think the board cited a loss of trust in you?

That question would be better suited for the board members themselves.

You mentioned on X that “there were evident misunderstandings” between you and certain board members. Could you elaborate on these misunderstandings?

I am not prepared to delve into that at this moment. It is crucial to allow the review process to unfold. I am open to discussing future-oriented topics. There may come a time when I am more inclined to discuss the events, but not presently.

Why do you feel unable to discuss this matter currently?

I prefer to allow the process to proceed without any interference.

You made reference to Ilya Sutskever [OpenAI’s chief scientist] in your message [to employees]. Can you shed light on why he had a change of stance and aligned with others?

Mira Murati: We are unaware of the reasons behind that. You would need to inquire with Ilya directly.

Sam, looking back, what was the primary motivation that led to your decision to return?

Altman: It was a fascinating experience. On Saturday morning, some board members reached out to discuss the situation. Initially, I felt defiance, hurt, and anger, thinking, “This is unfair.”

However, I swiftly began contemplating my profound attachment to the company, having dedicated the past four and a half years, and even more, to this endeavor. We are making significant advancements in a mission that holds immense importance to me—the pursuit of safe and beneficial AGI. Reflecting on the people within the organization, our partners, the leadership team, and the exceptional work being done here, I overcame my initial emotions and ego to realize, “Yes, I want to return.”

So, the board extended the invitation for your return?

And you initially hesitated?

Not for long. There were certainly mixed emotions following the incident.

It is evident that the employees supported you. How influential do you believe this factor was?

Undoubtedly, we emerged from this ordeal with a more cohesive, focused, and dedicated team. While I believed we possessed conviction and focus previously, I now perceive a heightened level of commitment. This, to me, is the silver lining in this situation.

Throughout this entire process, we retained every employee and customer. Not only did they maintain our products amidst challenging growth, but they also introduced new features. Research efforts continued unabated.

Do you aspire to rejoin the board?

This may sound like a standard PR response: it is not currently my primary focus. I am confronted with a mountain of demanding, critical, and time-sensitive tasks. While I aim to excel in my role, board membership is not at the forefront of my thoughts.

What does “improving our governance structure” entail? Will there be modifications to the nonprofit holding company structure?

This question is better suited for the board members, but not at this moment. The truth is, they require time, and we will support them as they contemplate this matter. It is evident that our governance structure faced challenges. Resolving these issues will necessitate a substantial amount of time. While I understand the desire for immediate answers, it is unrealistic to expect a swift resolution.

Why do you consider that expectation unreasonable? It appears that the events were rooted in disagreements rather than misconduct.

Designing an effective governance structure, particularly for a technology with significant impact, is not a matter to be resolved in a week. It demands thorough consideration, debate, external perspectives, and stress-testing. This process takes time.

Will there be any adjustments to OpenAI’s safety initiatives following the recent events?

Murati: No, this is unrelated to safety measures.

Regarding the reports on the Q* model breakthrough that your team recently achieved, could you provide an update on that development?

Altman: I prefer not to comment on that specific leak. However, our stance remains consistent. Whether two weeks ago, today, a year ago, or earlier, our commitment to rapid technological progress and the pursuit of safe and beneficial outcomes remains steadfast. This has been our daily motivation in the past and will continue to be in the future. While I refrain from discussing individual projects, our expectation is for continued significant progress in research. We are eager to engage with the global community to enhance the technology’s potential.

Final question: Given that you are still processing these recent events, what key lesson have you gleaned from this experience?

At this juncture, I do not possess a concise, definitive answer. There are undoubtedly numerous takeaways, but I am still navigating through them. While there is much to reflect upon, I am not prepared to offer a succinct response as of now.

Alright, we can revisit this topic another time.

After our call concludes, Altman promptly reaches out again.

I have realized that the company can operate effectively in my absence, which is truly gratifying. While I am delighted to return, I do so without the burden of feeling indispensable. It is rewarding to witness the team’s readiness and growth, indicating that the company will thrive independently.

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Last modified: February 3, 2024
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