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### Microsoft’s Pricing Skyrockets Amid AI Hype

That’s not to say Redmond hasn’t had significant Windows of misfortune

Microsoft has crossed the $3 trillion valuation mark primarily due to investors embracing the company’s AI strategy.

Apple stands as the sole other firm to have attained such a high level of market liquidity.

As consumers become accustomed to Microsoft’s AI-driven offerings, such as the cloud-based tool Navigator, the company’s significant AI investment will face scrutiny in the near future.

While Microsoft rightfully praises CEO Satya Nadella for the company’s achievements, it has also encountered notable missteps, like the ill-fated venture into Windows Phone and the trial of foldable Android Surface devices.

Who can forget the Windows 8 debacle?

Over the past decade, Microsoft’s revenues have surged, with the current market valuation reflecting the company’s strong commitment to AI. Redmond has poured billions into OpenAI, reaping the benefits in terms of shareholder value.

Within a mere two months, the company’s stock price surged by 65%, soaring from \(246.27 on March 1, 2023, to \)404.64 today. The buzz surrounding AI certainly isn’t going unnoticed.

Moreover, Microsoft has wielded its influence, appealing to investors, while also trimming its workforce in recent months.

Several industry observers have raised concerns about the tech sector’s future in 2024 given Microsoft’s pricing strategies.

Mark Boost, CEO of Civo, suggests that Microsoft’s AI-centric approach, anchored in Azure, may be precarious. Hyperscalers have thrived by overcharging and under-delivering to clients.

While Microsoft’s AI innovations haven’t garnered universal acclaim, the more advanced GitHub Copilot serves as a valuable tool for engineers who are cognizant of its pros and cons. However, some remain indifferent to Microsoft 365, the company’s cash cow.

Although Copilot Pro has encountered performance issues, the technology’s benefits seem lost on many users, especially considering Microsoft’s steep pricing of $30 per user per month.

Convincing customers to rally behind Microsoft’s $3 trillion AI vision will pose a challenge for Takeshi Numoto, the company’s VP and CMO, succeeding Chris Capossela in 2023.

Beyond Numoto, it’s evident that AI was a mere blip in Microsoft’s profits, as IBM CEO Arvind Krishna extolled the virtues of AI and consumer demand in the latest earnings report.

Hence, 2024 emerges as a pivotal year for AI, with IBM and Microsoft’s pricing strategies underscoring the sector’s high expectations for the technology. The financial results over the next year will be a litmus test of whether these expectations align with those footing the bill.

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Last modified: January 26, 2024
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