Written by 7:26 pm Future of AI

### AI’s Imminent Arrival: The Outlook for 2024

Given where AI has gone in 2023, can we guess where those trends are heading for 2024?

It appears that the pace of change is accelerating, particularly in the realm of AI. Despite the extensive attention AI has garnered over the last decade, recent data from Google Trends indicates a significant surge in search interest over the past twelve months.

A clear indication of AI’s mainstream penetration is when even non-technical individuals, like your parents, start inquiring about technologies such as ChatGPT. The widespread appeal of AI extends beyond just tech enthusiasts and scholars.

Looking ahead to 2024, based on the trends observed in 2023, it is evident that Generative AI has gained substantial traction. The continuous evolution of relational AI in the previous year, with frequent releases of new versions, suggests that Generative AI will maintain its prominence in the upcoming year, contributing to the generation of vast amounts of data.

The integration of relational AI into various applications, both software and hardware, is becoming increasingly seamless. Unlike the scenario in early 2023, where utilizing Generative AI required specific platforms like OpenAI’s Talk GPT, by the end of the year, these capabilities were embedded within everyday applications. This ease of integration signifies that users can leverage advanced AI models without the need for extensive technical knowledge.

As conceptual AI becomes ubiquitous, its presence in conventional tools like word processors and spreadsheets is becoming expected. Moreover, the emergence of generative AI in unconventional settings, such as a toaster creating art or an alarm clock displaying visual information, illustrates the expanding reach of AI applications into diverse domains.

The heightened expectations set by Generative AI may pose challenges for other AI solutions, demanding increased accessibility and user-friendliness akin to conceptual AI. This shift in user expectations could lead to impatience with traditional AI implementations, prompting a reevaluation of the efficiency and speed of AI development processes.

In the realm of business and government sectors, despite the rapid deployment of AI, the adoption of enterprise-specific AI applications may remain sluggish. Implementing AI solutions tailored to enterprise needs necessitates specialized expertise and faces various implementation challenges, contributing to a high rate of AI project failures.

In response to the growing demand for AI integration, vendors are likely to incorporate relational AI into their products to capitalize on the AI trend. However, businesses and organizations must prioritize the practical application of AI solutions over superficial AI integration to address real-world challenges effectively.

The regulatory landscape surrounding AI is expected to evolve in 2024, with governments worldwide aiming to establish guidelines for the responsible use of AI technologies. The EU AI Act and similar legislative efforts indicate a growing emphasis on regulating the deployment of relational AI to mitigate potential risks and misuse.

As AI technologies mature and regulations tighten, the industry may witness a shift from AI hype to a more pragmatic approach, focusing on the practical application of AI solutions and mitigating potential risks associated with AI misuse. This transition may lead to a more nuanced understanding of AI’s capabilities and limitations, fostering a more realistic perspective on AI technologies in 2024.

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Last modified: January 15, 2024
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