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### Embracing AI: Insights from 7 Company Executives in 2024

ChatGPT kicked off a flurry of excitement around gen AI, as well as questions. While the possibilit…

According to those responsible for defining terms, “rizz” or authentic may not be the buzzwords for 2023, but AI certainly dominated conversations throughout the year.

The emergence of OpenAI’s ChatGPT in late 2022 sparked intense debates about artificial intelligence and its implications. While some foresaw its potential to revolutionize industries, others expressed concerns about job displacement and ethical dilemmas. The discussions reflected a shift towards viewing “gen AI” as a tangible technological advancement rather than a theoretical concept, shaping the narrative for future generations.

It is worth noting that AI has silently permeated various aspects of our lives for years, albeit with notable advancements and limitations becoming increasingly apparent.

Some AI applications, like hallucinate, garnered attention for their innovative capabilities in 2023. However, the comparison of AI to a black box highlights the opacity surrounding its decision-making processes, raising questions about accountability and transparency.

Business Insider consulted industry leaders who emphasized the transformative potential of relational AI in reshaping economic landscapes. While optimism abounds, uncertainties loom large regarding the actual impact and ethical considerations associated with widespread AI adoption.

Let’s delve into insights shared by key figures in the tech realm:

Chief Technology Officer Sriram Thiagarajan

Sriram Thiagarajan, the Chief Technology Officer, highlighted the transformative power of generative AI in unlocking new possibilities. Leveraging large-language models, his team continuously refines the platform’s features to enhance user experience and streamline data processing. By harnessing computer vision and machine learning technologies, they aim to automate data interpretation and extraction, paving the way for more efficient operations.

Thiagarajan acknowledged the dual nature of AI, citing concerns about misinformation, bias, and the evolving nature of large-language models. Despite the ongoing challenges, he remains optimistic about AI’s potential benefits while acknowledging the need for continuous learning and adaptation in this rapidly evolving landscape.

Vladimir Lukic, Managing Director and Senior Partner, Boston Consulting Group

Vladimir Lukic emphasized the transient nature of many AI tools in today’s dynamic environment. He stressed the importance of experimentation and adaptation to stay ahead in the AI race. While acknowledging the risks and challenges associated with AI adoption, Lukic underscored the need for proactive measures to address potential pitfalls and ensure responsible AI deployment.

Salumeh “Sal,” Deputy Digital and Information Partner, Cushman & Wakefield

Salumeh Companieh highlighted the pivotal role of AI in revolutionizing commercial real estate operations. By leveraging AI-driven insights, Cushman & Wakefield aims to provide clients with data-driven solutions tailored to their specific needs. Transparency and data security remain key priorities as the company navigates the complexities of AI integration and adoption.

Dan Shapero, Chief Technology Officer, LinkedIn

Dan Shapero shared LinkedIn’s strategic shift towards integrating AI across its platform to enhance user experience. By leveraging AI for personalized recommendations and job search assistance, LinkedIn aims to empower users with valuable insights and resources. Shapero emphasized the ethical and equitable deployment of AI to unlock new possibilities and drive innovation.

Juergen Mueller, Chief Technology Officer, SAP

Juergen Mueller outlined SAP’s commitment to harnessing AI to empower businesses with actionable insights and real-time data analysis. By combining extensive language models with business-specific information, SAP aims to revolutionize enterprise operations and decision-making processes. Mueller highlighted the importance of continuous learning and adaptation in maximizing the potential of AI technologies.

Chris Bedi, Chief Information Officer, ServiceNow

Chris Bedi underscored ServiceNow’s AI-first approach in streamlining IT workflows and enhancing productivity. By embracing conceptual AI solutions, ServiceNow aims to automate tasks and empower employees with innovative tools and resources. Bedi emphasized the transformative impact of AI on organizational efficiency and highlighted the importance of ongoing training and education to leverage AI effectively.

CEO of Verizon Consumer Group Sowmyanarayan Sampath

Sowmyanarayan Sampath, the CEO of Verizon Consumer Group, emphasized the critical role of AI in enhancing customer experiences and streamlining operations. By leveraging AI to understand customer sentiments and deliver personalized services, Verizon aims to stay at the forefront of AI innovation. Sampath highlighted the importance of ethical AI deployment and customer-centric approaches in driving sustainable growth and innovation.

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Last modified: January 2, 2024
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