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### Empower Yourself: Let AI Guide, Not Decide – Unleash Your Coding Potential

Computer science teachers, software experts share their advice on ML assistants

With artificial intelligence (AI), mastering feature planning may now be more straightforward, although caution is advised when utilizing tools that propose or generate source code.

The process of programming demands persistence and patience, particularly in the initial stages of learning when everything seems perplexing. The guidelines for script writing can seem ambiguous, with numerous punctuation marks and symbols that need to be used judiciously. Depending on the programming language employed, errors may arise from the omission of a semicolon, comma, or proper indentation. However, with sufficient practice, things eventually start to fall into place.

My coding journey began by following tutorials and tackling challenges in software exercises, a common approach for beginners delving into coding online. ChatGPT became a valuable resource for me when encountering roadblocks, offering a convenient way to explore optimal solutions. These AI assistants excel at crafting simple scripts and may even provide precise responses based on your descriptions.

During my attempts to execute a specific task, I recognized the potential for dependency and consciously disabled GitHub Copilot’s autocomplete feature in Visual Studio Code to avoid shortcuts.

Avoid mere replication.

David Malan, a computer science professor at Harvard University renowned for teaching the popular CS50 introductory course online, acknowledges that AI can sometimes be overly efficient.

To deter students from relying on tools like OpenAI’s ChatGPT or Google Bard to complete assignments, educators introduced a digital figurine called the CS50 bird. This GPT-powered coding chatbot is equipped with guardrails to prevent academic dishonesty.

As you may know, the concept of rubber duck debugging is a common practice in software development. When stuck with code, articulating the issue to an inanimate object or toy can often lead to a solution. This method proves highly effective.

The CS50 goose programmer is a manifestation of this idea; designed to be friendly and supportive, the bot refrains from providing direct answers to homework queries, focusing instead on guiding students through problem-solving.

“At the outset of the academic term, we stipulated that external tools like ChatGPT and Copilot should not be used by students, as they tend to offer solutions outright rather than fostering genuine learning,” shared Malan. However, students are encouraged to leverage CS50’s internal AI tools, which are designed with educational integrity in mind.

Since the introduction of the CS50 duck, feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Students now have access to a digital mentor for assistance whenever needed. While the AI may occasionally err and lacks absolute precision, like any machine learning model, initial testing revealed an 88% success rate in addressing curriculum-related queries.

The programming tool not only benefits students but also aids teachers by freeing up time to engage in activities beyond homework assistance. Harvard professors, in a research paper [PDF], noted the positive impact of the bird debugger, emphasizing the potential of generative AI to enhance, rather than undermine, student learning.

Streamlining research with fewer searches.

My educational background lies in physics and technology news rather than computer science. Just as the latest wave of chat algorithms gained prominence, I embarked on my coding journey. Previously, I would scour blog posts and examples on platforms like Stack Overflow to grasp software concepts or resolve bugs. AI has expedited this process significantly.

Now, I can rely on expansive language models for immediate support instead of sifting through a plethora of resources. These online aides accelerate my learning curve, providing insights quicker than traditional research methods. This approach allows me to better comprehend the technologies utilized by others.

However, machine-generated code isn’t foolproof and can compromise codebase integrity. Blindly incorporating output from an AI assistant into my source code often led to new errors due to compatibility issues. Rectifying these errors, especially without a clear understanding of the generated code, posed a challenge.

“I believe that individuals leveraging current AI resources for learning to code should aim to develop the proficiency to interpret the tool’s output,” advised Zed Shaw, a software developer and the mind behind Learn Python the Hard Way. He emphasized the importance of adopting a critical eye akin to that of a code reviewer to identify and enhance subpar code.

Programmers should exercise caution and skepticism when relying on machine-generated solutions. Charles Severance, a computer science professor at the University of Michigan, cautioned against uncritical acceptance of AI-generated responses, urging users to maintain their critical thinking faculties.

“Consider ChatGPT as a less experienced computer. Only trust the AI tool’s solutions when you’re confident in their accuracy,” he added.

Mastery in your domain is essential.

Effectively utilizing these tools necessitates a clear understanding of your problem and articulating it concisely in your queries. Inbal Shani, GitHub’s chief product officer, highlighted the impact of question phrasing on the quality of code output by GitHub Copilot.

She recommended interacting with GitHub Copilot as you would with a colleague, as specificity in your queries yields more accurate responses from the AI, aiding in problem-solving and code suggestions.

Chat resources represent the next phase in the evolution of programming languages aligning with human speech.

Phillip Compeau, an assistant teaching professor at Carnegie Mellon University known for the Rosalind platform and Development for Lovers tutorial, echoed this sentiment for math enthusiasts. He advises learners to steer clear of AI during initial stages of coding education, reserving its use for more advanced students familiar with foundational concepts.

One key lesson imparted to students is the importance of articulating precise instructions for the computer, which enhances the accuracy of AI-generated code. Chat tools signify a progression in programming evolution, aligning programming languages more closely with human speech patterns.

Coding entails deciphering program objectives, operational methods, and error identification. These foundational skills are honed over time through consistent practice. To become a proficient software developer, one must not circumvent this learning process by over-reliance on AI. When used judiciously, AI tools can expedite skill development and make the learning journey more engaging.

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Tags: Last modified: April 15, 2024
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