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### Enhancing Cybersecurity with AI Technology

Could Artificial Intelligence have the potential to enhance businesses’ cybersecurity measures? Dis…

Exploring the Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Business Cybersecurity featuring Ilia Sotnikov, Security Strategist at Netwrix

The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on reshaping technology remains a prevalent subject, especially within different industries. The integration of AI into daily business operations, particularly in the realm of cybersecurity, is becoming increasingly inevitable.

A 2023 survey by Sharp Europe among small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Europe revealed that more than a third of participants encountered security breaches in the past year, leading to data loss for 31% of them.

In the wake of escalating cyber threats, many organizations are facing a shortage of expertise to effectively combat such attacks. To protect their infrastructure, data, customers, and stakeholders, businesses need advanced tools and technologies. While AI is not a one-size-fits-all solution, its strategic deployment can significantly enhance an organization’s cybersecurity defenses.

Despite the potential benefits AI offers, there are prevailing concerns and misconceptions surrounding its adoption. A common fear is the idea of AI displacing human workers. Although automation can streamline certain processes, the primary goal is to boost operational efficiency and enable skilled employees to concentrate on value-added tasks.

Contrary to the assumption that AI will inevitably lead to cost savings, historical evidence suggests that the impact can vary. Similar to the transition to cloud services not always resulting in reduced expenses, the integration of AI might reshape cost structures rather than reduce overall costs.

Optimal Deployment of AI in Cybersecurity

When leveraging AI for cybersecurity endeavors, establishing realistic objectives is crucial. Striving for fully automated AI-driven security measures may pose unforeseen challenges and risks. Instead, organizations should pinpoint cybersecurity processes suitable for automation by evaluating their repetitiveness, definability, and verifiability.

Through the application of AI in cybersecurity, businesses can improve threat detection, incident response, and risk management. Particularly in addressing insider threats, AI-powered solutions like User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) can define normal user activity patterns and promptly identify anomalies signaling potential risks.

Furthermore, AI facilitates the acceleration of analysis during cyber incidents by amalgamating data from diverse sources to enable swift decision-making by security teams.

Envisaging the Future of AI in Cybersecurity

While the potential of AI in cybersecurity is promising, its complete ramifications and challenges are yet to be fully understood. Organizations need to meticulously assess the relevance of AI, manage associated risks, and ensure that its integration aligns with business objectives.

By conducting comprehensive evaluations and strategic planning, IT leaders can effectively leverage AI to strengthen cybersecurity measures, mitigate risks, and propel organizational objectives.

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Tags: Last modified: February 2, 2024
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