Written by 2:42 pm AI Business, Generative AI

### The Impact of Generative AI on Business in 2024: Insights from the C-Suite

Top executives from Dell, Lenovo, SAS and others share their enterprise AI insights for next year.

C-suite executives possess a distinct advantage in recognizing, understanding, and leveraging business and industry advancements. Leaders from prominent companies like Dell, Lenovo, Intuit, SAS, and others offer their unique insights into the future of conceptualAI.

Dell CTO John Roese predicts the adoption and expansion of Relational AI initiatives.

Despite the abundance of innovative ideas about how generative AI will revolutionize business and society, there are currently few scaled implementations in the real world. The upcoming wave of relational AI projects is expected to mature throughout 2024, unveiling previously undisclosed aspects of the technology.

Juniper Networks’ CAIO Bob Friday anticipates a decrease in the cost of training LLMs for educational foundations.

As silicon advancements optimize the training of large language models (LLMs) by 50% every two years, the cost associated with their training is projected to decrease significantly. This reduction in training costs will enable more businesses to develop and utilize their own LLMs, leading to a proliferation of new LLM-based applications in the coming years. The focus on domain-specific AI assistants may diminish as the hype surrounding LLMs subsides in 2024, with LLMs poised to have a profound impact on society and organizations.

Cisco CSO Liz Centoni envisions the rise of GenAI-powered NLIs, personalized LLMs, and specialized B2B software solutions.

By the end of 2024, over half of new products are expected to feature natural language interfaces (NLIs) driven by generativeAI. Conceptual AI will also play a crucial role in B2B interactions, catering to users seeking personalized and contextualized solutions. Various business functions such as project management, software testing, compliance, and recruitment will be influenced by conceptual AI, offering APIs, interfaces, and services for data analysis and visualization. This will enhance the transparency of AI applications.

The shift towards specialized, precision-oriented LLMs and domain-specific AI models will be evident, including the increased utilization of models like LLaMA-7B for tasks such as script completion and few-shot learning.

Intuit CDO Ashok Srivastava discusses the evolution from word-based AI to bidirectional models.

The progression from language model word universes to Big Multimodal Models (LMMs) capable of spanning multiple media types signifies a significant advancement in AI. This transition unlocks new possibilities for applications like image-based products and digital assistants for small businesses. The development of AI systems that can discern reality from fiction is on the horizon as conceptual AI evolves to incorporate vision and other sensory inputs.

GitLab CMO Ashley Kramer predicts a temporary surge in demand for chief AI officers.

The hiring of chief AI officers (CAIOs) is expected to spike as businesses strive to leverage AI to its full potential. While the demand for CAIOs is currently high, it is likely to follow a pattern similar to that of chief cloud officers (CCOs) in the past. As organizations gain a deeper understanding of AI’s role in various business functions, the need for dedicated AI professionals may diminish, eventually merging with other roles like chief data officers.

SAS CTO Bryan Harris highlights the maturation of Relational AI agent frameworks to address business challenges.

The complexity of conceptualAI is driving the development of new application architectures that enhance data flow, predictive models, and conversational experiences. Frameworks like retrieval-augmented era (RAG) facilitate the integration of current data with LLMs, paving the way for scalable and sophisticated organizational use cases. Agent-based frameworks, such as Microsoft’s AutoGen, simplify the creation of role-based networks that leverage enterprise systems and RAGs to meet the evolving demands of modern organizations.

Nvidia VP of Omniverse Rev Lebaredian emphasizes the acceleration of conceptual AI and business automation.

GenerativeAI enables the seamless conversion of physical world elements into digital data, empowering businesses to design, optimize, and manufacture products more efficiently. The democratization of the real world into digital realms will revolutionize product development and manufacturing processes. Additionally, the establishment of the Alliance for OpenUSD will drive 3D interoperability, facilitating collaboration across industries to accelerate digitalization efforts.

Snowflake SVP of AI Sridhar Ramaswamy discusses the immediate challenges posed by AI advancements.

While AI is reshaping human-machine interactions, immediate challenges such as job displacement and the proliferation of deepfakes must be addressed. The rapid pace of change may lead to job losses in knowledge-based roles, necessitating a coordinated response from both the private and public sectors. The rise of deepfakes poses a threat to reality perception, emphasizing the need for caution when consuming AI-generated content. Furthermore, AI advancements may exacerbate global inequality, underscoring the importance of educating future generations on responsible AI use.

Lenovo International CIO Art Hu foresees companies becoming more adept at managing AI challenges.

As organizations embrace AI, they will gain a deeper understanding of its risks and complexities, leading to proactive measures to mitigate these risks. Strategies like Retrieval Augmented Generation will enhance the reliability of LLM outputs by sourcing information from credible channels. Strong leadership, governance policies, and AI validation processes will be crucial in ensuring the ethical and inclusive use of AI technologies. Companies are expected to implement concrete AI strategies guided by ethical principles, accompanied by comprehensive training programs to equip teams with the necessary skills for successful AI implementation.

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Last modified: January 10, 2024
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