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### Standing Out: How Companies Differentiate Themselves When Clients Inquire About AI Capabilities

Clients are already asking agencies hard questions about AI usage. How can you stick out from the p…

Customers have previously raised significant questions to businesses about AI usage. How will you differentiate yourself in this competitive landscape?

The way businesses address inquiries regarding their AI utilization can have a substantial impact on their success in acquiring new clients in the upcoming month.

According to a recent report by Gartner, marketers are advised to focus on internal workflows, ethical guidelines, customer experiences shaped by technology, and the implications of staffing and pricing. These key areas highlight the questions that marketers may have concerning their agency’s AI capabilities.

Crafting a strategy that effectively responds to clients in an engaging and innovative manner, setting your company apart from the competition, can be quite challenging.

To tackle this issue, we sought insights from various industry experts to understand how agencies are approaching this challenge.

What is your approach to developing a distinctive AI narrative?

Grady Booch referenced an article by Oli Feldwick, the Head of Innovation at The&Partnership, who stated, “A fool with a tool is still a fool.” Merely possessing a Photoshop license does not make one a designer, and using tools like ChatGPT or working with Midjourney does not automatically elevate someone to the highest level of AI-powered creativity. It’s not just about the tools; it’s about having the right tools, customized for specific purposes, in the hands of visionary individuals who can leverage them effectively. The demand for quality and innovation is increasing as AI tools simplify the production of decent outputs. It is crucial to focus on the individuals utilizing the tools rather than solely on the tools themselves. Hopefully, this realization resonates with you.

Dustin Callif, the leader of Tool, emphasizes the need to “create the Kool-Aid.” Brands are seeking practical, rather than theoretical, strategies for leveraging AI. We have established a consultancy that empowers businesses to directly apply AI to their unique use cases for content creation, offering tangible solutions within short two to four-week sprints.

Raina Roberts, EMEA Producer at StackAdapt, underscores the importance of strategic diversity in standing out in a competitive landscape where AI tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney, and Elevenlabs are readily available to all. Agencies should focus on showcasing specific AI applications tailored to distinct industries or challenges. By highlighting industry collaborations and leveraging existing tools, agencies can differentiate themselves and offer clients customized solutions that address their specific needs.

Tom Ajello, a Partner at Lippincott, advocates for a culture of experimentation. Rather than striving to be the “next-level proper scholar,” the emphasis should be on being a practical problem-solver. At Lippincott, the approach involves engaging in comprehensive research across all facets of the business, encompassing client analysis, communication, design, and more. While there is significant discourse on the power of AI from various sources, practitioners should distinguish themselves through their deep understanding of the tools, their impact on their respective fields, and their ability to creatively utilize them to deliver tangible results for clients. Encouraging client participation in research initiatives can further enhance credibility.

Oliver Kasicki, Head of Creation at Bolser, suggests exploring “creative AI blends” by integrating diverse AI technologies to address novel challenges and generate innovative solutions that others may overlook.

Highlighting real-world AI success stories can be a powerful way to showcase the tangible impact of AI applications. Demonstrating actual AI solutions that have delivered results speaks volumes about an agency’s capabilities.

Additionally, leveraging AI to uncover unique perspectives and solutions, beyond routine tasks, can set agencies apart. By demonstrating expertise in addressing complex challenges with elegance and expertise, agencies can showcase their AI proficiency effectively.

In navigating the complexities of AI, John Cunningham, Chief Technology Officer at Valtech, emphasizes the role of agencies as practical guides. By focusing on demystifying AI technologies through targeted experiments, workshops, and prototypes aligned with real business challenges, agencies can position themselves as trusted advisors, offering practical insights and tangible results that differentiate them in the AI landscape.

Rhys Cater, Chief Solutions Officer at Precis DigitalUK, predicts a surge in using AI to enhance productivity and automate tasks. To pioneer new territory, agencies must innovate in their utilization of AI technology. This can involve developing unique solutions tailored to specific business cases or creating new products that harness the power of AI to guide marketers effectively.

Adam Samson, Innovative Technologist at FutureDeluxe, emphasizes that while many may have access to the same tools, such as Adobe Suite, success ultimately hinges on the skillful and intuitive use of these tools. Proficiency with AI tools like Firm Diffusion comes from experience, experimentation, and a deep understanding of their capabilities. Winning in the AI landscape depends more on how effectively these tools are wielded rather than the tools themselves.

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Last modified: February 3, 2024
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