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### Enhancing Classroom Engagement: Educators Embracing AI for Innovative Teaching

Artificial intelligence has drawn a lot of attention lately. Between lawsuits and new legislation, …

BLAINE, Minnesota- Recently, there has been a surge of interest in artificial intelligence. The emergence of new technologies has brought about various challenges, including concerns and the introduction of new regulations.

Expressing her enthusiasm, Alyssa Ellson, a vocal music teacher at Blaine High School, stated, “I have always enjoyed delving into innovative technology.”

Ellson was keen on addressing the musical, pedagogical, and logistical issues in her high school choir class.

She explained, “One of the challenges we face in choir is managing extensive lyrics in preparation for an upcoming performance.”

Seeking assistance, she turned to AI.

Describing the process, Ellson shared, “We utilized an image AI tool and collaboratively created visuals for each segment of the song. Starting from sheet music, we transitioned to visual aids, gradually reducing reliance on visuals until we had the piece fully memorized!”

This method aided her students in memorizing Prince’s “1999” for their upcoming spring concert.

“The results were remarkable,” she added, noting the improved retention rate among her students.

According to Daryl Boeckers, the systems coordinator at Blaine High School, educators are employing AI in various ways within the educational setting.

Boeckers observed, “It is a valuable tool that presents dual perspectives.”

Educators are carefully considering the ethical dilemmas associated with utilizing AI to support students while also educating them on navigating these challenges.

He elaborated, “There is a moral dilemma that educators are grappling with, alongside the task of educating students on problem-solving.”

Adapting teaching strategies may be necessary to prevent academic dishonesty or detect signs of cheating. Nevertheless, as seen in Ellson’s class, AI often sparks creativity.

“I am delighted to collaborate with school administrators to foster forward-thinking approaches as part of the faculty,” Boeckers remarked. He emphasized the importance of students engaging in tasks beyond traditional academic writing, such as the standard five-paragraph essay.

Blaine is situated within the Anoka-Hennepin School District, the largest school district in Minnesota.

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Last modified: December 25, 2023
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