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### Enhancing Business Aviation Operations Through AI

With the meteoric rise of generative AI chatbots like ChatGPT, it’s very possible that 2023 will be…

With the rapid surge of generative AI chatbots like ChatGPT, 2023 may be remembered as the year when artificial intelligence truly matured. Despite garnering widespread attention from the public and various industries, there is still progress to be made before AI becomes fully integrated into business aviation, as noted by Steve Varsano, the founder and CEO of The Jet Business, an aircraft broker based in London.

Varsano emphasizes that while the potential of AI to revolutionize numerous industries is frequently discussed, existing computer and programming technology companies in the aviation sector may require more time to fully explore the benefits that AI can offer. He is currently researching the potential opportunities presented by this technology.

AI has already made inroads into private aviation, with several software developers and private jet operators utilizing AI-powered solutions to streamline operations and enhance the customer experience. For instance, the German on-demand regional air mobility startup Flyv employs proprietary AI algorithms to develop customized flight networks. Similarly, Stack, a provider of business operating systems for charter brokers and operators, integrates AI into its software tool.

AI pioneers

One of the early adopters of AI in private aviation was MySky, a Switzerland-based company that introduced an AI-based online audit platform for private jet operators as far back as 2016. Chris Marich, the Chief Strategy Officer and co-founder of MySky, recalls that the company’s inception stemmed from recognizing the technological deficiencies in the management systems used within private aviation.

Marich and his co-founder, Kiril Kim, were perplexed by the outdated methods employed in managing highly advanced aircraft. They questioned why assets worth millions of dollars were being managed using archaic tools like Excel spreadsheets and Post-It notes.

The initial focus of MySky was on automating invoice verification processes using AI. Marich explains that their platform evolved over time to prioritize spend and revenue management optimization. The AI algorithm developed by MySky streamlines the verification of diverse invoice formats and layouts, categorizing expenses and cross-checking operational and financial data to identify errors such as double charges.

Marich underscores the pivotal role of AI in MySky’s technology, highlighting its capacity to automate repetitive tasks accurately and efficiently. The speed and accuracy with which AI processes vast amounts of data surpass human capabilities, enabling MySky to enhance operational efficiency significantly.

In a similar vein, Vista Global Holding, a Dubai-based private aviation group that owns the on-demand private jet company XO, leverages AI in its management system to monitor and optimize the Vista fleet’s operations worldwide. By harnessing AI’s capabilities, Vista ensures real-time updates on aircraft availability, maintenance, and schedules across multiple countries.

Roy, the Senior Vice President of Product at Vista Global Holding, emphasizes that AI plays a crucial role in managing complex data sets and operations seamlessly. He underscores the necessity of AI in handling the intricate logistics of private aviation, where traditional human systems fall short in scalability and efficiency.

Unlike highly visible generative AI tools like ChatGPT, which directly interact with users, AI applications in various industries, including private aviation, are predominantly integrated into backend systems, operating invisibly to end-users. Marich notes that while generative AI showcases remarkable creative potential, its practical application in private aviation is still evolving.

Generating data

MySky has expanded its AI offerings to include pre-flight estimates in addition to post-flight management solutions. The success of their AI applications hinges on a data-centric approach, where the accumulation of data enhances system performance and attracts more users, creating a self-reinforcing cycle.

Vista Global Holding is exploring opportunities to integrate new AI technologies, such as generative AI, into its portfolio. Roy emphasizes the importance of adopting an augmented intelligence model that combines machine capabilities with human expertise. This hybrid approach ensures that AI complements human decision-making processes, particularly in tasks requiring nuanced judgment.

In industries like private aviation, where customer service is paramount, the human element remains indispensable. Varsano highlights that human interaction plays a vital role in addressing customer needs and preferences, underscoring the enduring value of personal engagement in service delivery.

Marich echoes this sentiment, emphasizing that the aviation industry thrives on human connections that cannot be replicated by software alone. The intricate balance between AI automation and human touch underscores the evolving landscape of AI integration in private aviation, where technological advancements enhance operational efficiency while preserving the essential human touch in customer interactions.

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Tags: Last modified: March 20, 2024
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