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**Fresh Campaign Unveiled for Jesus in Revamped “He Gets Us” Super Bowl Ads**

The “He Gets Us” website says the movement is not “affiliated with any single ind…

“He Understands Us” is once again ramping up its advertising presence for Super Bowl 58 after a successful debut during America’s premier television event, featuring two commercials in the previous season.

The commercials from the prior year, highlighting “the empathy of Jesus,” secured top 15 rankings in USA TODAY’s 2023 Ad Meter, which assesses commercials based on consumer ratings.

In the second quarter of the game, the second 2024 commercial titled “Foot Washing” was broadcasted. It ended with the tagline, “Jesus didn’t preach hate,” and exhibited various still images of individuals having their feet washed, including a scene of women outside an assisted living facility receiving this act of kindness.

Jason Vanderground, the president of BrandHaven, conveyed to Crain’s Grand Rapids Business, “The distinctive aspect this year is that 2024 is a national election year, heightening all the division and hostility prevalent in national politics.”

“We are deliberately striving to build upon last year’s message and portray individuals exemplifying what it means to love your neighbor instead of highlighting conflicts.”

The subsequent commercial in the series, “Know Your Neighbor,” debuted in the second quarter.

The Core Concept of “He Understands Us”

According to the “He Understands Us” website, the advertising campaign is not affiliated with any specific church, religious group, or political affiliation.

Before the 2023 Super Bowl, Vanderground mentioned to The Associated Press that “He Understands Us” was targeting individuals who are spiritually open but skeptical.

Several current and former NFL players participated in the “He Understands Us” initiative, engaging in activities at a community center in Las Vegas on the Saturday before the Super Bowl. They distributed food and warm meals, while volunteers organized sports activities and games for children.

The Minds Behind the “He Understands Us” Ad Campaign

The Servant Foundation launched the “He Understands Us” campaign in 2022, but this year, it is overseen by Travel Close, a newly established nonprofit organization.

The primary objective of the nonprofit is to present Jesus’ life and love in creative and thought-provoking ways.

Ken Calwell, a former executive at Wendy’s and Domino’s Pizza, leads Travel Close as its CEO.

A Brief Overview of The Servant Foundation

The Servant Foundation, also known as The Signatry, is an organization based in Kansas that initiated the campaign in 2022. Nonetheless, the rights to the “He Understands Us” campaign were transferred to Travel Close in the previous year.

Positioning itself as a Christian ministry dedicated to promoting transformative generosity, The Signatry operates as a donor-advised fund.

Between 2018 and 2020, the organization contributed $50 million to the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF). The Southern Poverty Law Center classified ADF as an anti-LGBT hate group in 2016, citing its advocacy for criminalizing homosexuality and supporting the imprisonment of LGBTQ individuals for consensual relationships.

The ADF vehemently refutes this characterization by the SPLC, denouncing it as a “misrepresentation of our work,” as communicated to USA TODAY in 2023.

The “He Understands Us” website explicitly states, “Jesus loves all, including queer and transgender individuals. The LGBTQ+ community, like everyone else, is encouraged to explore the teachings of Jesus.”

Funding Sources for “He Understands Us”

In 2023, Hobby Lobby founder David Green disclosed to right-wing commentator Glenn Beck that his family was contributing to the Super Bowl 57 advertisements.

Following the Supreme Court’s 2014 ruling permitting closely held corporations like Hobby Lobby to opt out of providing health coverage for specific contraceptives due to religious beliefs, Green and conservative groups achieved a notable victory. This ruling impacted over 60 million American employees.

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Tags: Last modified: February 12, 2024
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