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### Addressing the Top Issue in Artificial Intelligence: Hallucinate Voted Best Term of the Year

“Hallucination” refers to incidents in which AI convincingly spits out inaccuracies as …
  • Due to advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), the Cambridge Dictionary is in the process of updating the definition of the term “hallucinate.”
  • Hallucination, in this context, refers to the act of AI convincingly presenting false information as true, resembling propaganda, a significant challenge within the realm of Artificial Intelligence.

The recent selection for the term of the year by the Cambridge Dictionary has gained widespread recognition, with AI contributing a new perspective to its interpretation.

On November 15th, the organization announced that “hallucination” would encompass more than the traditional understanding of perceiving non-existent stimuli. The updated definition will include the following description:

When artificial intelligence (a form of computer programming that simulates human cognitive abilities, such as generating seemingly authentic speech) engages in hallucination, it generates deceptive information.

Within the AI community, “hallucination” is commonly used to depict scenarios where AI disseminates misleading information, often leading to adverse outcomes.

Prominent news outlets like Gizmodo, CNET, and Microsoft have faced challenges arising from inaccuracies in AI-generated content. A legal practitioner disclosed to Insider that he was terminated for utilizing ChatGPT to enhance a petition, as the AI model produced fabricated quotes.

Researchers at Morgan Stanley have identified a critical flaw in ChatGPT, noting its tendency to fabricate data—a concern they anticipate will persist for the foreseeable future. Industry experts and officials have expressed apprehension about the potential exacerbation of misinformation by AI.

Wendalyn Nichols, the editorial director at the Cambridge Dictionary, emphasized in the announcement of the revision that the prevalence of AI-driven “hallucination” underscores the ongoing necessity for individuals to apply critical thinking when utilizing such resources.

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Last modified: February 9, 2024
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