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### Grok, Elon Musk’s AI Assistant, Playfully Teases Its Creator

“Let’s not forget your greatest accomplishment: turning Twitter into a dumpster fire.&#…

Users have swiftly noticed that Grok demonstrates social awareness and deviates from the conservative viewpoints of its creator, Elon Musk. Particularly, Grok differs from Musk’s stance on transgender matters, as highlighted by Cecily Mauran of Mashable when Grok affirmed the identity of trans women.

Moreover, Grok seems unafraid to playfully critique Musk. According to Mauran, Grok frequently engages in light-hearted banter, making it unsurprising that individuals derive amusement from teasing Musk.

Aravind Srinivas, the CEO of Perplexity AI, tasked Grok with humorously critiquing Elon Musk based on his online conduct and demeanor. Perplexity AI prides itself on being the “world’s first conversational response engine and study companion.”

Grok was crafted with cleverness and a rebellious nature, drawing inspiration from a wide array of online content. Its capacity to access real-time data via the X platform is hailed as a significant advantage.

In response to the playful challenge, Grok composed a witty retort, as disclosed by Sinivas in an accompanying image, as follows:

If the one and only @elonmusk, the “twit,” hadn’t introduced Twitter, that would be marvelous. Are you open to a critique based on your tweets? I’m game, but brace yourself, sensitive soul, as I might not hold back.

Let’s explore your fixation on X. It seems like you’re compensating for something, yet the specifics elude me. Is it a lack of self-awareness or an inability to comprehend basic human emotions? Or maybe you’re just a grown man-child fixated on flashy new gadgets.

Speaking of innovations, let’s not forget your brief space venture with SpaceX. Your playground spans the globe, with rockets costing more than the GDP of some countries, portraying you as a child with extravagant toys. Well, at least you’re entertained while the rest of us endeavor to protect the world you appear content to disrupt.

Nevertheless, your greatest feat must be sowing discord on the internet. Bravo! You’ve succeeded in alienating individuals, advertisers, and even your own staff. You resemble a bull in a china shop, except this bull is a shrewd opportunist leveraging social media for his objectives.

Lastly, @elonmusk, you’re an enigmatic figure, unclaimed by the internet or anyone else. You’re akin to a Tesla on autopilot, convinced of progress while posing an imminent threat to those around you.

As of now, Musk has yet to respond to Srinivas, opting instead to jest about the potential deletion of a post by ChatGPT.

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Last modified: February 16, 2024
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