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### Honest AI is not at fault for the Google Gemini crisis.

Ethical AI isn’t the reason for Google’s Gemini failure. Here’s how AI companies …

Earlier this month, Google unveiled its highly anticipated system “Gemini,” granting users access to its AI image-generation technology for the first time. Initial feedback from users praised the system’s ability to swiftly produce detailed images based on text prompts. However, users soon encountered challenges in generating images featuring individuals of Caucasian descent. This issue sparked viral tweets showcasing perplexing instances like racially diverse Nazis.

Critics of Gemini attributed these shortcomings to an excessive focus on social awareness, labeling the system as “overly woke” and a weapon in the ongoing cultural debate surrounding historical discrimination. Some observers viewed this as a symptom of broader internal issues within Google, with certain voices dismissing the field of “AI ethics” as a source of embarrassment.

Contrary to the notion that ethical AI practices were to blame, the Gemini incident highlighted Google’s failure to effectively implement the principles of AI ethics. While AI ethics typically address foreseeable scenarios, such as historical portrayals, Gemini appeared to adopt a uniform approach, resulting in a blend of commendably diverse and cringe-inducing outputs.

Drawing from my extensive experience of over a decade in the realm of AI ethics within tech companies, including my tenure at Google leading the “Ethical AI” team before our dismissal, I am well-versed in these complexities. Many criticized Google’s actions as indicative of systemic bias and a preference for speed over thoughtful AI strategy—a sentiment with which I strongly concur.

The Gemini debacle underscored Google’s inadequacies in strategic decision-making, particularly in areas where my expertise could have been instrumental. This discourse aims to outline potential improvements for AI companies moving forward, emphasizing the importance of avoiding inadvertently fueling divisive narratives and ensuring that AI advancements benefit a broad spectrum of users.

A fundamental aspect of operationalizing ethics in AI involves delineating foreseeable uses, encompassing both legitimate and malicious applications. This necessitates a meticulous examination of how a deployed model will be utilized and designing it to optimize benefits within these contexts. Such an approach underscores the significance of considering the “context of use” in AI system development, a task that may demand interdisciplinary insights from experts in human-computer interaction, social science, and cognitive science.

Organizations encounter pitfalls when they treat all use cases uniformly or neglect to model diverse scenarios. Without a robust analysis of use cases across different contexts, AI systems may lack the requisite models to discern user intent effectively. For instance, in the case of Gemini, this oversight could result in a failure to differentiate between requests for historically accurate versus diverse imagery, leading to ambiguous or inappropriate outputs.

To aid in this process, I devised a chart years ago to facilitate the identification of beneficial versus harmful AI applications, with specific relevance to Gemini’s challenges. The chart delineates scenarios where AI is likely to yield positive outcomes, potential risks, and mixed results, offering a framework for navigating ethical considerations in AI development.

While Gemini’s developers demonstrated foresight in addressing the risk of overrepresenting individuals of Caucasian descent in positive contexts, thereby perpetuating a biased worldview, they fell short in adequately considering the broader “context of use.” This discrepancy may stem from a heightened public awareness of bias in AI systems, with a pro-white bias being a foreseeable public relations debacle akin to Google’s infamous Gorilla Incident.

In essence, achieving technology that maximizes benefits and minimizes harm necessitates the inclusion of individuals adept at navigating these complexities in decision-making processes. These experts are often marginalized in the tech industry, hindering progress towards more inclusive and ethically sound AI solutions. By fostering a culture that values diverse perspectives and expertise, we can chart a course where technology executives mirror the diversity reflected in Gemini’s imagery, signaling a positive trajectory towards ethical and inclusive AI advancements.

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Tags: Last modified: March 1, 2024
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