OptionsPlay’s head of education and merchandise, Jessica Inskip, delves into the earnings of major technology companies in the segment titled “Generating Profits.”
Google asserts that it is the responsibility of regulators to set the standards for the ethical development of artificial intelligence. However, the company also advocates for governments to leverage this technology for societal benefits and acknowledge its potential for humanity.
The tech giant unveiled “The Artificial Opportunity Agenda,” a blueprint outlining a collaborative approach among policymakers, corporations, and civil societies globally to embrace AI and harness its advantages, on Tuesday.
Kent Walker, the head of international affairs at Google and its parent entity Alphabet, emphasized, “Responsibility and opportunity go hand in hand. It is essential not to overlook the potential that AI presents.” (Source: Marlena Sloss, Bloomberg, File, and Getty Images)
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During an interview with FOX Business, Kent Walker, the head of international affairs at Google and Alphabet, highlighted the interconnected nature of responsibility and opportunity in the realm of AI. He stressed the importance of not underestimating the opportunities AI offers. The white paper, focusing on hardware, workforce, and adoption by enterprises and institutions, presents a series of policy recommendations aimed at maximizing the societal benefits of AI. AS IT SEEKS ADDITIONAL FUNDING FROM MICROSOFT, OPENAI PURSUES “SUPERINTELLIGENCE.” To ensure that researchers, technologists, and businesses have the necessary resources to explore, develop, and implement AI, the proposal calls for government investment in infrastructure and research. Google proposes the establishment of a Global Resource for AI Research, modeled after the U.S. regional AI research initiative, through international collaboration.
Google has released a white paper offering policymakers a roadmap for leveraging the opportunities presented by AI. (Source: IStock/iStoock)While AI is poised to enhance productivity, Google cautions that it may also disrupt industries, necessitating collaboration between governments and the private sector to prepare the workforce for the “AI-driven job transition.” AI IMPACTS A LARGER PERCENTAGE OF JOBS IN WASHINGTON, DC, THAN ANY OTHER US CITY: RESEARCH The strategy advocates for the creation of a Global AI Corps to deliver training and application support, enabling employees to gain practical AI experience in their roles. Furthermore, it calls on nations to integrate AI into their educational frameworks. Google asserts that for global AI adoption to succeed, governments must utilize AI systems internally, enhance the AI proficiency of their IT personnel, and attract talent from private enterprises. The plan also recommends that governments support small businesses in AI adoption by providing online mentors, training initiatives, and improved access to funding.
Kent Walker, the head of international policy at Google and Alphabet, is leading the charge. (Source: James Brickwood, Fairfax Media, File, and Getty Images)
Walker used Google’s initiatives as an illustration of the broader impact of AI beyond chatbots. He emphasized that AI advancements could revolutionize research across various domains such as business operations, agriculture, water conservation, and healthcare. Therefore, it is imperative to weigh both the benefits and risks associated with AI.
“This represents a unique opportunity for us to stimulate economies, create new employment opportunities, and realize all the advancements we envision,” he added.