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– CEO of Jeff Bezos-Backed AI Research Startup Suggests Google’s Reputation is Aging

Bezos isn’t alone in rating (and valuing) Perplexity highly. $1.2 trillion AI chip titan Nvidia is …

A video featuring a pre-famous Jeff Bezos discussing the founding of Amazon in 1997 has resurfaced and is currently trending on X. Bezos highlights the exponential growth of internet usage, which was increasing by 2,300% annually at the time, as a key factor that inspired him to venture into the online store domain.

Fast forward to the present day, Bezos is once again making strategic investments, this time focusing on the burgeoning field of artificial intelligence. He is not alone in this endeavor, as other prominent tech investors are also exploring opportunities in this realm.

One notable development is the emergence of Perplexity, an AI-based search engine launched in August 2022. Positioned to rival Google, Perplexity distinguishes itself by offering real-time information with transparent sourcing of answers.

Despite facing initial challenges, Perplexity has witnessed a significant uptick in its user base, boasting 10 million monthly active users without heavy reliance on traditional marketing strategies. The platform has garnered over a million downloads across iOS and Android devices, with user engagement evidenced by the handling of more than 500,000 queries in the past year.

A recent funding round led by a consortium of investors, including Bezos, Nvidia, and Shopify cofounder Tobias Lütke, raised an impressive $73.6 million for Perplexity. This injection of capital underscores the growing confidence in the platform’s potential.

According to Jonathan Cohen of Nvidia, Perplexity’s achievement of 10 million MAUs represents a significant milestone in the realm of client AI services, reshaping how individuals access and interact with information.

Perplexity’s CEO, Avarind Srinivas, envisions a future where Perplexity supersedes Google as the go-to source for information, positioning itself as a forward-looking solution for the next generation.

The platform offers users access to various advanced language models, including GPT-4 from OpenAI and other proprietary models, catering to diverse user preferences. Despite its current revenue generation primarily from subscriptions and AI software sales, Perplexity is poised for growth, with plans to expand its team and offerings in the near future.

While Google maintains its dominance in the online search market, the rise of AI-powered solutions like Perplexity and Microsoft’s integration of ChatGPT-4 into Bing signal a potential shift in user behavior towards AI-driven search experiences.

Srinivas believes that the future of information retrieval lies in efficient, AI-driven solutions that streamline the search process and enhance knowledge sharing, potentially reshaping the landscape of online search and content consumption.

In conclusion, while the success of Perplexity remains uncertain, Bezos’ bold bet on the platform echoes his early entrepreneurial spirit with Amazon, riding the wave of technological advancements to carve out a niche in the evolving digital landscape.

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Last modified: January 12, 2024
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