Written by 10:09 am Generative AI

### Beware of AI-Generated Nonsense Flooding Google Books and Scholar Search Results

The book and academic search engines are including titles produced entirely by ChatGPT. Here’…

Google Books and Google Scholar are widely used platforms for accessing a vast array of literary and academic resources. However, recent observations have brought to light a concerning trend where low-quality, AI-generated books are being indexed alongside legitimate works authored by humans.

This discovery, highlighted by 404 Media, sheds light on the infiltration of AI-generated content within these reputable platforms. By employing a simple search tactic, it was revealed that certain books on Google Books are seemingly authored by ChatGPT, mimicking human writing styles and content.

For instance, a search for the specific phrase “As of my last knowledge update” yielded numerous titles, some genuinely discussing ChatGPT’s limitations, while others attempted to pass off AI-generated content as authentic material. These AI-generated books cover a wide range of topics, from historical events like the Boston Marathon bombing to subjects like the Cold War, 911, and famous figures.

Despite the extensive publication volume and diverse topics, these AI-generated works exhibit shallow narratives akin to Wikipedia entries, raising concerns about the quality and authenticity of the content. Moreover, these books are commercially available on platforms like Amazon, blurring the lines between AI-generated and human-authored literature.

In contrast, a similar search on Google Scholar, intended for scholarly research, returned a mix of legitimate academic papers on various subjects such as at-risk youth, diabetes, autism, and COVID-19. This juxtaposition of AI-generated content within scholarly databases alongside genuine research articles underscores the need for vigilance and quality control in digital repositories.

While Google has acknowledged the presence of AI-generated content and expressed a commitment to reevaluating its indexing practices in response to evolving publishing landscapes, the issue of removing such content from search results remains unresolved. This situation underscores the importance of discerning between AI-generated and human-authored works to uphold the integrity and credibility of digital platforms like Google Books and Google Scholar.

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Tags: Last modified: April 6, 2024
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