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### AI Maps Glaciers 10,000 Times Faster Than Humans

In a groundbreaking development, researchers from the University of Leeds have unveiled a neural ne…

Researchers at the University of Leeds have introduced a neural system that can rapidly and accurately map the size of vast Antarctic oceans in satellite images within a mere 0.01 seconds. This innovative approach marks a significant departure from the laborious and time-consuming manual methods previously employed.

The study, spearheaded by Anne Braakmann-Folgmann during her tenure as a PhD candidate at the University of Leeds in the UK, has recently been published in The Cryosphere. Braakmann-Folgmann, who previously conducted research at the Arctic University of Norway in Troms, highlighted the crucial role of massive glaciers in the Antarctic ecosystem. She emphasized the profound impact of giant icebergs on various aspects of the Antarctic environment, including sea physics, chemistry, scientific research, and maritime activities. Understanding the volume of meltwater released by icebergs into the ocean necessitates precise identification and monitoring of their dimensions.

The utilization of the Copernicus Sentinel-1 radar mission is integral to this cutting-edge methodology that leverages artificial intelligence for iceberg mapping. The Sentinel-1 radar imagery proves invaluable in capturing clear images of icebergs irrespective of adverse conditions such as fog cover or darkness. While traditional satellite images often present challenges in distinguishing icebergs, sea ice, and the sky due to their similar appearance, the radar perspective of Sentinel-1 offers a distinct advantage. Icebergs typically stand out as bright entities against the lighter background of lakes and sea ice in radar images, facilitating their identification.

Despite the effectiveness of Sentinel-1’s radar technology, differentiating between icebergs and surrounding elements like sea foam or rough ocean waters can still pose challenges. Dr. Braakmann-Folgmann noted that satellite images may sometimes blur the distinction between icebergs and the ocean due to the similar appearance of rough waters and aged ice. Moreover, smaller iceberg fragments, often shed from larger icebergs, can be erroneously grouped together with the main glacier, complicating the identification process.

The newly developed neural system excels in accurately delineating iceberg extents even in complex scenarios where conventional algorithms falter. Its strength lies in the neural network’s ability to grasp intricate non-linear relationships within the imagery, providing a holistic view for precise mapping.

Continuous monitoring of specific large icebergs is essential for tracking changes in glacier area and thickness, crucial for understanding their melting patterns and the release of freshwater and nutrients into the ocean. Unlike traditional methods that may focus on smaller icebergs nearby, the neural network introduced in this study excels in identifying the largest iceberg in each image, thanks to its innovative U-net architecture and rigorous training process.

The neural network, trained on Sentinel-1 images showcasing large icebergs in diverse settings, continuously refines its predictions by adjusting parameters based on discrepancies between generated outlines and actual outcomes. The system’s efficacy is demonstrated by its remarkable accuracy of 99% when tested on seven oceans of varying sizes.

In conclusion, the introduction of this novel machine learning approach for mapping iceberg extents represents a significant advancement in automating the monitoring of Antarctic regions. This innovative technology not only streamlines the process of tracking changes in large icebergs but also lays the foundation for practical applications in this critical field of study.

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Last modified: November 9, 2023
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