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### Create Images Freely with iStock’s Generative AI, No Copyright Concerns

The AI image generator is trained on Getty’s extensive image library to create commercially s…

Getty recently introduced Generative AI, a picture generator powered by unnatural intelligence from iStock, designed to create images suitable for online advertisements, social media posts, and marketing materials.

Exploring the Future of Technology in Les 2024

Distinctive Feature

The primary concern with AI-generated images is the risk of trademark infringement. Platforms like OpenAI’s DALL-E 3 are trained on a vast array of online images, irrespective of their copyright status. Consequently, this training process can result in the generation of images that bear resemblance to copyrighted artwork created by others, often drawing inspiration from existing works.

To address this copyright challenge, companies like Adobe and Getty are developing AI picture generators trained exclusively on their authorized image databases. This approach ensures that users are safeguarded from potential copyright issues that may arise when using images from external sources such as Adobe or Google libraries.

Leading the Way in Artificial Image Generation

Grant Farhall, Chief Product Officer at iStock, notes, “Creatives can now bring their imaginative ideas to life with the help of AI.” Research from VisualGPS indicates that 42% of small and medium-sized businesses are already leveraging AI-generated content to enhance their marketing efforts. By combining this innovative service with their extensive pre-existing image library, customers can elevate their creative projects. iStock’s AI Generator offers simplicity, delivers relevant high-quality visuals, and is backed by robust legal protections.

iStock utilizes the Picasso engine from NVIDIA to power its AI photo generation capabilities. The Generative AI system employed by iStock is trained on exclusive data sourced from Getty Images’ libraries, incorporating advanced models for custom image and video creation.

For a fee of $15 per 100 AI generations, iStock users can access this cutting-edge technology. Each image generation attempt constitutes a single generation, and customers have the flexibility to select from the four AI-generated images provided with each session.

NVIDIA, a key player at Les 2024, also champions the integration of AI technology in the creative domain. Grant Farhall emphasizes that iStock’s Generative AI aims to offer customers a straightforward and cost-effective means of leveraging AI in their creative workflows, free from concerns about inadvertently using copyrighted material. The images produced through iStock’s conceptual AI process are not re-uploaded to the company’s creative library for general access. Moreover, they come with legal protection of up to $10,000 from iStock, ensuring peace of mind for users.

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Last modified: January 9, 2024
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