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**Klobuchar and Thune Present Groundbreaking AI Policy Proposal**

New bipartisan Senate bill would require both NIST and the Commerce Department to establish guideli…

The introduction of the AI Research, Innovation, and Accountability Act of 2023 by Sens. from the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee marks a significant step towards establishing guidelines for the development, identification, and utilization of artificial intelligence. This bipartisan initiative aims to differentiate between various forms of AI-generated content and define specific categories such as “high effect” and “critical effect.”

Under this proposed legislation, organizations may be required to adhere to guidelines set forth by the Office of Management and Budget concerning the implementation of “high-impact” AI strategies. Moreover, the bill suggests the creation of a certification framework aligned with the Commerce Department’s standards for the use of AI platforms within government agencies. Additionally, it recommends the formation of a working group to facilitate funding for a consumer education program focused on AI technologies.

Senator Klobuchar emphasized the dual nature of AI, highlighting its potential benefits and challenges. She stressed the importance of updating existing laws to address the evolving landscape of AI technologies. This policy aims to enhance transparency, provide clarity for policymakers and consumers, and establish safeguards against the misuse of AI, particularly in critical infrastructure systems.

The legislation also tasks the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) with developing criteria to distinguish AI-generated content and explore methods to mitigate potential risks associated with AI systems. Companies utilizing “critical-impact” AI tools may be required to conduct risk assessments following NIST’s AI Risk Management Framework, with findings reported to the Commerce Department for review.

Senator Thune underscored the need for foundational regulations to protect individuals and foster innovation in the AI sector while minimizing government interference. By setting safety standards for high-risk AI applications, this bill aims to bolster America’s leadership and advancement in AI technologies.

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Last modified: February 25, 2024
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