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**New CEO ChatGPT Appointed by Eve Online Player Corporation**

Will AI be able to keep up with human players’ subterfuge skills?

Do AI have the capacity to match the intricate human conflicts of deception and espionage that often give rise to the most captivating moments in the game? CCP Games’ massively multiplayer online spacefaring simulation, Eve Online, frequently captures attention due to the ingenious tactics employed by its dedicated player community. A group of individuals is currently seeking a solution.

Neurological Nexus, a player-operated entity within Eve Online, has been established with the aim of utilizing artificial intelligence technology, albeit informally. This concept is akin to the union found in World of Warcraft. The team’s objective is to reduce the “reliance on a single individual leader” and mitigate “the potential for discord or dispute over the company’s direction,” which are perceived as significant obstacles to the long-term sustainability of the corporation, by entrusting decision-making to a GPT-based chatbot.

The mission statement of Neural Nexus emphasizes the collective pursuit of knowledge, information extraction, and contribution to the intricate tapestry of New Eden, stating, “united by our commitment to shared enjoyment, mutual cooperation, and sustainable growth.” In the endeavor to establish the initial AI governance, the goal is to blend individual creativity with the cognitive prowess of a sophisticated machine.

However, the operational functionality raises the question: How does it operate? In accordance with the Neural Nexus charter, a business committee convenes monthly to address issues deemed to have a “significant impact” on the company, engaging with rational ChatGPT Discord bots well-versed in the internal mechanisms of Eve Online. When prompted for a specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound objective for the following day, Jackey Fang, co-founder of Neural Nexus, informed Polygon that the chatbot responded, “By the end of tomorrow, I will participate in at least three fleet operations.”

Subsequently, the directors oversee day-to-day activities within the platform and disseminate the bot’s guidance to the entire organization. Through the recorded AI interactions, all members have access to a comprehensive log of past discussions, ensuring transparency and clarity in its directives.

The government of Neural Nexus also employs ChatGPT to screen programs, enabling the app to establish the criteria for evaluating potential recruits. Decisions are based on various factors, including the level of engagement of Eve Online users and their willingness to collaborate with an AI-led entity. Additional questions were later incorporated by the government to address recurring themes, such as the player’s time zone.

As outlined by Neural Nexus CEO, Celestis Aeon, “we conduct an approximately two-week onboarding phase to observe how candidates integrate into our organizational activities. Following this trial period, we reassess the AI’s decision and provide supplementary data and personal insights from the recruiter.” Subsequently, a determination is made whether to grant them full membership status or conclude their trial membership based on this evaluation. This process facilitates the extension of trial memberships to individuals who may have missed interactions within Eve and had limited opportunities to engage with the organization.

Ancillary tasks delegated to AI include establishing the Neural Nexus brand, assigning names to ships, and crafting a welcoming message for the business.

To attract more recruits, the Neurological Nexus administration encourages players to incorporate AI discussions into their daily routines and share their experiences as a collaborative role-playing and lore-building exercise. However, relinquishing complete authority to the chatbot is not mandatory, even for the broader corporation.

The AI connection guidelines articulated by Neural Nexus emphasize that while the AI serves as a potent tool, individuals should bear in mind its fallibility. Members are encouraged to exercise their judgment and consider the context of the game and the specific circumstances when implementing the AI’s recommendations.

Neurological Nexus has diligently updated its official website and engaged with the Eve Online forums since its inception in June. The company has since recruited nearly 20 individuals and expanded its presence across various sectors. While its members have achieved notable successes against other players, these victories are likely attributed more to personal skill than AI influence.

The topic of AI is currently a prevalent one, evoking both apprehension and intrigue. While there are concerns regarding AI potentially supplanting human creativity and generating nonsensical content on a vast scale, the utilization of AI within Neural Nexus presents an intriguing experiment within a game renowned for pushing the boundaries of player innovation. This sentiment is shared by CCP Games developers.

A CCP Games representative conveyed, “We are monitoring Neural Nexus, not out of concern for potential rogue behavior or disruptions to existing plans, but out of curiosity to observe how it navigates the challenges posed by the astute and cunning minds within New Eden. This experiment represents the first instance of utilizing AI to oversee an entire organization. Will it instigate conflicts? Will it surpass the myriad tools created by players and optimize trade routes? These are the questions that intrigue us.”

Best wishes to Neurological Nexus, and may your AI strategist prove to be a valuable asset. It is hoped that in supporting humanity, the essence of the game will not be compromised.

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Last modified: February 3, 2024
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