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### Enhancing EU’s Supercomputers to Boost Generative AI Startups

European Union lawmakers scrambling for the bloc to be a contender in the generative AI race are pr…

European Union legislators are working fervently to position the bloc as a competitive force in the realm of generative AI. They are introducing a set of supportive measures aimed at boosting indigenous AI startups and scale-ups.

The strategic significance of artificial intelligence technologies, particularly generative AI models trained on extensive datasets, capable of processing natural language and generating text, images, or audio as needed, is being underscored as pivotal for the bloc’s future competitiveness. Despite the EU’s impressive array of high-performance supercomputers, such as the recently launched MareNostrum 5, these resources have traditionally catered to scientific applications and are not finely tuned for training cutting-edge generative AI models. This deficiency in infrastructure is a critical gap that lawmakers are now striving to address.

The newly adopted “AI innovation package” seeks to bolster Europe’s AI landscape through various interventions, including enhancing high-performance computing infrastructure for model training and facilitating access to the requisite skills and expertise vital for driving generative AI advancements.

Margrethe Vestager, the EU’s digital chief, emphasized the necessity of computing power for AI development, particularly for SMEs and startups, proposing privileged access to the European supercomputer network. The objective is clear: fostering innovation in AI and leveraging it effectively to cultivate a thriving AI ecosystem within Europe.

Furthermore, the EU is unveiling the concept of “AI Factories,” envisioned as hubs integrating essential elements for AI development, including computing power, data, algorithms, and talent. These facilities are designed to streamline the process for European AI startups, enabling them to create advanced AI models and industrial applications seamlessly.

In parallel, the EU is contemplating the establishment of “AI Factories” adjacent to its supercomputers, with a comprehensive set of policy interventions aimed at enhancing AI-focused hardware, expanding access to resources, and providing a supportive environment for startups and innovators to leverage supercomputing capabilities effectively.

The EU’s executive branch is considering amendments to existing legislation governing the joint procurement of high-performance supercomputers, aiming to enhance flexibility in upgrades to meet the evolving demands of AI model training efficiently.

As the EU charts its course in the AI landscape, the proposed measures are set to complement the forthcoming AI Act, emphasizing direct support for AI application developers. The establishment of the AI Office within the Commission signifies a pivotal step towards enforcing regulations on general-purpose AIs and coordinating AI policy at the EU level.

The support initiatives outlined in the “AI innovation” package are poised to empower European generative AI startups, with a focus on infrastructure upgrades, financial assistance, and fostering a conducive environment for AI development. The package also targets accelerating the development of Common European Data Spaces and promoting novel AI applications across various industrial sectors.

In conclusion, the EU’s strategic initiatives aim to propel the region to the forefront of the global AI race, emphasizing responsible AI development while fostering innovation and competitiveness in the AI landscape.

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Tags: , , Last modified: March 31, 2024
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