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### Resurrecting the Dead: AI Companies Unveiling Terrifying Secrets

New documentary bowing at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival examines the tech companies using AI to c…

Eternal You, a new documentary premiering at Sundance, explores the intriguing world of digital afterlife technology. The film commences with a powerful scene depicting Christi Angel deeply engaged in a conversation with a deceased loved one using an AI chatbot interface, eliciting a strong emotional reaction.

Angel, a resident of New York, is utilizing the Project December platform to communicate with her late first love, Cameroun. She recounts a disturbing incident where Cameroun hints at being in a troubling place and even issues a veiled threat to haunt her. The creator of Project December, Jason Rohrer, casually brushes off such disconcerting occurrences, displaying a detached demeanor towards the consequences of his innovation.

Directors Block and Riesewieck meticulously delve into the emerging field of digital afterlife technology, prompting contemplation on its potential benefits in assisting individuals through the grieving process juxtaposed with the associated risks. The storyline unfolds through the perspectives of various characters, including Joshua Barbeau and Stephenie Oney, who discover comfort in conversing with virtual replicas of their departed loved ones, sparking discussions on the boundaries of mourning and commemoration.

The documentary highlights the ethical quandaries linked to replicating deceased individuals digitally, underscoring the fine line between technological progress and ethical obligations. As the narrative progresses, it emphasizes the significant influence of immersive technologies on human interactions and the pressing necessity for ethical evaluation within the digital afterlife sector.

By weaving together touching personal stories and expert opinions, Eternal You navigates the intricate landscape of sorrow, remorse, and the unyielding pursuit of digital perpetuity. The film presents a compelling analysis of the unbridled growth of digital afterlife services, prompting audiences to reflect on the consequences of entrusting technology firms with the essence of our identities beyond death.

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Last modified: January 22, 2024
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