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### Learning from Other Technological Advancements: Insights on AI Election Challenges in 2024

Concerns about artificial intelligence interfering with the 2024 elections are well-founded, yet no…

While concerns about AI interference in the 2024 elections are valid, echoes of similar apprehensions can be traced back to the Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA in 1975.

The Asilomar gathering set a precedent for responding to advancements in medical knowledge. Maxine Singer, a molecular biologist, and biochemist Paul Berg, the organizers, advocated for establishing regulations to govern the utilization of new medical insights.

Their approach mirrored the challenges faced by advocates of AI oversight. Merely imposing regulations is not a panacea; the notion of prioritizing data processing over sustainability is fundamentally flawed. Selling sheer computational power as intelligence is a fallacy!

The ethical dilemmas posed by AI and the impending 2024 elections remain largely unregulated. We have entered into a complex relationship with AI, and without scrutinizing its scientific foundations, the repercussions could be irreversible for humanity’s future.

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Once the genie is out of the bottle, we must focus on mitigating the potential societal and political risks foreseen by the linear underpinnings of AI.

It is not just the sheer potential but the responsible choices we make that truly matter, transcending the mere aggregation of data processed by AI.

AI remains indifferent to the outcome of presidential elections. It addresses quantitative challenges. Kenneth Arrow’s Nobel Prize-winning work exposed vulnerabilities in the electoral process.

Certain AI-driven strategies aim to influence the behavior of previously overlooked 10 to 12% of voters. This untapped social segment presents a lucrative opportunity.

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The ethical implications of cognitive manipulation raise pertinent questions. Regardless of the legitimacy of such applications, the substitution of machine inferences for human judgment undermines our democratic system’s integrity.

Our susceptibility to manipulation is exacerbated by replacing human discernment with machine-driven inferences. Molecular technology lacks a predictive element, rendering its utilization akin to wielding a tool blindly.

Essentially, automated tools like hammers lack cognitive reasoning. They excel in executing tasks without understanding the underlying rationale. Unlike conscious beings, they lack moral compass.

The Turing machine, foundational to computational activities, operates within the confines of physics, focusing on data volume, processing speed, and energy consumption. It lacks interpretative capabilities.

Unrestrained data-driven progress risks catastrophe, as evidenced by the cautionary tale of the Asilomar Conference. Participants sought guidelines recognizing the peril posed by genetic manipulation.

Reflecting on AI discussions today may evoke memories of recent cognitive shifts due to the COVID pandemic. The frenzy surrounding genetic advancements promised cures for all diseases but inadvertently led to the creation of new ailments. Anticipated benefits of AI in healthcare must be tempered with caution.

While AI’s influence on medicine is undeniable, it has also inflated healthcare costs. Similar to Asilomar’s stance on genetic research, constraints on AI are advocated by those seeking to safeguard opportunities, yet flawed applications persist.

We need a medical framework that transcends the limitations of physics and chemistry, a quest that remains elusive. The escalating neuroticism of the 21st century underscores this challenge.

It is imperative that we navigate this path wisely, recognizing the imperative to uphold research integrity as an existential necessity, not a mere choice.

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Last modified: January 25, 2024
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