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### Warning from Economic Expert: New Technology Threatens High-Skilled Jobs

Artificial intelligence developers could be planting the seeds for making their own jobs obsolete i…

In light of the swift progress of artificial intelligence, a distinguished Nobel Prize-winning academic is expressing concerns about the future of jobs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), suggesting that many currently sought-after positions may soon become outdated.

As per a recent Time interview, Christopher Pissarides, an economics professor at the London School of Economics, highlighted that the skills currently in demand—to gather, organize, cultivate, and leverage data to advance AI or develop AI tailored for specific roles—might become obsolete. He noted that these skills may not be as abundant as necessary to accommodate all the STEM graduates entering the workforce, despite the increasing demand.

These remarks coincide with 2023 being a pivotal year for AI technology, which has rapidly evolved and gained widespread adoption. However, there are concerns that such advancements could significantly disrupt global labor markets by rendering existing jobs obsolete.

Pissarides suggests that the current enthusiasm among younger individuals to pursue careers in STEM fields may shift as AI progresses.


Nobel laureate Christopher Pissarides speaking in China

Christopher Pissarides, an economist and Nobel laureate, issues a cautionary note that the rapid advancement of AI could potentially render certain careers redundant. (Image Source: Getty Images/File, VCG/VCG)

According to the acclaimed economist, “the very skills that are in demand now contain the seeds of their own destruction.”

Samuel Mangold-Lenett, an editor at The Federalist, cautioned against excessive reliance on AI, emphasizing that while AI can assist STEM professionals by expediting tasks that would take humans considerably longer, it is crucial not to overlook the importance of mastering essential skill sets that have propelled societal progress.

Jon Schweppe, the policy director at the American Principles Project, echoed similar sentiments, warning about the risks of excessive dependence on AI technology.

In the pursuit of advancing AI systems, there is a significant risk of losing sight of the fundamental purpose. Schweppe emphasized that while AI can enhance our capabilities, it should be viewed merely as a tool to further human goals, rather than an entity to which we must unquestioningly submit.

man looks at openAI logo on screen

Pissarides remains optimistic about the impact of AI on the job market, suggesting that it may have a positive overall effect.

Experts concur with this perspective, noting that AI may not be able to perform certain tasks as effectively as humans, particularly those requiring judgment and varied decision-making processes.

Christopher Alexander, the analysis commander at the Pioneer Development Group, emphasized the pivotal role of STEM in driving AI advancements, underscoring that computer science and mathematical expertise are indispensable for data modeling essential for AI progress.

While acknowledging the evolving nature of AI technology, experts like Phil Siegel from the Center for Advanced Preparedness and Threat Response Simulation advocate for promoting STEM education to prepare individuals for potential shifts in the job market due to AI advancements.

Artificial Intelligence photo illustration with 1s and 0s and silhouette of head

Pissarides envisions long-term opportunities across various sectors and believes that AI will yield positive outcomes overall.

Industries emphasizing customer service and effective communication may present enduring opportunities, according to Pissarides, highlighting the importance of personal interaction and social relationships in future job roles.

Therefore, while the landscape of work may evolve with AI integration, there remains a significant value in professions that prioritize human interaction and interpersonal skills.

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Last modified: January 5, 2024
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