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### Signaling Existential Threats: ‘Doomsday Clock’ Warns of Nuclear War, Climate Disasters, and AI

WASHINGTON — Earth, for the second year running, is nearing apocalypse, a science-oriented advocacy…

Earth is once again on the brink of an apocalypse, according to a science-oriented advocacy group that referenced the renowned “Doomsday Clock,” which currently stands at 90 seconds to midnight.

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists recently declared the imminent threat to humanity, citing factors such as the nuclear peril stemming from Russia’s actions in Ukraine, the October 7 attack in Israel, ongoing conflicts in Gaza, escalating climate-related crises, and the risks associated with artificial intelligence advancements.

Rachel Bronson, the CEO of the Bulletin group, emphasized the escalating concerns by highlighting that last year’s move of the clock to 90 seconds to midnight marked the closest proximity to a global catastrophe in history. She noted that the persistent risks from the previous year have not diminished and continue to influence the current assessment.

Since its inception in 1947, the advocacy group has utilized the Doomsday Clock as a symbolic representation of the looming existential threats faced by humanity. Following the Cold War era, the clock was set at a relatively safe distance of 17 minutes to midnight. However, in response to the rapid transformations in the global landscape, the group has shifted from measuring minutes to counting down in seconds.

Despite the alarming outlook, the group remains hopeful that concerted efforts by world leaders and nations, particularly emphasizing the influential roles of countries like the United States, China, and Russia, could potentially reverse the trajectory and push back the symbolic clock.

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Last modified: January 24, 2024
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