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### Impending Apocalypse: ‘Doomsday Clock’ Ticks to 90 Seconds, Nuclear and AI Perils

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’s dire prediction of threats to humanity comes during the Rus…

The world is now closer than ever to the symbolic hour of the apocalypse, with the Doomsday Clock once again set at 90 seconds to “midnight” for the year 2024.

Various ongoing crises, including wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, a worsening climate emergency, and the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence, continue to threaten human existence, according to the custodians of the clock.

Originally established in 1947 by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists during the Cold War era, the clock serves as a widely recognized gauge of the world’s susceptibility to catastrophic events stemming from human-made technologies.

Rachel Bronson, the CEO, emphasized that the resetting of the Clock to 90 seconds before midnight does not signify global stability but rather underscores the urgency for immediate action by governments and communities worldwide.

The nonprofit organization, based in Chicago, focused its attention this year on the implications of AI, expressing concerns about potential existential risks associated with advancements in the field. The rise of sophisticated chatbots like ChatGPT has prompted experts to call for enhanced global governance of this disruptive technology.

Furthermore, the Bulletin highlighted AI’s capacity to amplify disinformation, undermine democratic processes, and heighten risks related to nuclear threats, pandemics, and climate change. Of particular concern are autonomous weapons systems that can identify and engage targets without human intervention.

In addition to AI, the Bulletin identified other pressing issues such as the erosion of nuclear disarmament agreements, ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, and the devastating impact of climate-related disasters worldwide.

Former California governor Jerry Brown drew a grim parallel, likening the current global situation to the ill-fated Titanic, emphasizing the urgent need for cooperation among major powers to avert catastrophe.

Bill Nye, the science educator, stressed the necessity for immediate action to address the existential threats facing humanity, cautioning against the potential catastrophic consequences of mismanaging technological advancements.

While some critics have questioned the efficacy of the Doomsday Clock, viewing it as fear-inducing rather than informative, the Bulletin remains hopeful that concerted efforts can mitigate the risks and prevent global catastrophe. The organization particularly commended the younger generation for taking a proactive stance in addressing these challenges.

Ultimately, the Bulletin called upon leaders of influential nations like the United States, China, and Russia to acknowledge their role in safeguarding the world from impending peril and urged them to act decisively and swiftly to avert disaster.

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Tags: Last modified: March 31, 2024
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