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### Beware of Being Deceived by the AI Apocalypse

A guide to understanding which fears are real and which aren’t

This is the eight-week series Atlantic Intelligence, where The Atlantic’s leading AI experts will help you understand the intricacies and potential of this revolutionary technology. Join as a member today.

Governments worldwide are increasingly recognizing the potential threats posed by AI, prompting proactive measures, summits, and significant legislative actions. In response, two contrasting perspectives on technology are capturing the attention of the public, media, corporate leaders, and policymakers. One narrative evokes a scenario akin to science fiction, where malevolent AI systems pose existential risks, fueling concerns reminiscent of a potential Skynet scenario. Notably, experts from OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, and other tech firms developing AI technologies are sounding the alarm about the catastrophic implications of unchecked AI advancements. This apprehension is resonating in recent AI regulatory efforts in the U.S. and the United Kingdom.

Conversely, some advocates and scholars argue that the doomsday narrative serves to deflect attention from the more subtle yet pervasive ways in which AI is reshaping society. They highlight how businesses often portray themselves as responsible custodians of AI while downplaying the risks associated with these transformative technologies. Amba Kak and Sarah Myers West, from the AI Now Institute, underscore in a recent article the tangible harms of AI, drawing on extensive research that exposes labor exploitation, data privacy violations, biased algorithms in law enforcement and hiring processes, medical errors, and the proliferation of misinformation.

The trajectory of AI development is intricately linked to ongoing discussions on the real-world impacts of AI, the affected stakeholders, and the necessary interventions. The following narratives offer insights into distinguishing between legitimate concerns and exaggerated fears surrounding AI, shedding light on the underlying causes and potential ramifications of these divergent AI narratives.

Educational Insights

While policymakers deliberate on the apocalyptic scenarios associated with AI, the immediate repercussions of AI systems are felt daily, as highlighted by Amba Kak and Sarah Myers West.

  • Debunking AI Doomsday Scenarios: A critical analysis in June pointed out that the tech industry’s PR campaigns often gloss over the harmful effects of AI, diverting attention from the actual risks posed by these technologies.
  • Prioritizing Present AI Harms: Following a closed-door Senate session on AI’s future, Inioluwa Deborah Raji emphasized the urgency of addressing the current harms inflicted by AI rather than fixating on hypothetical doomsday scenarios.
  • Unveiling AI Labor Realities: An exposé last July revealed the reliance of even the most sophisticated AI systems on a vast, underpaid workforce, underscoring the emergence of an “AI minority” in America.

Moreover, AI distorts reality in various ways, including the generation of misleading content. Caroline Mimbs Nyce delves into the phenomenon of AI-generated hypersexualized human images in a recent investigative piece.

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Last modified: February 25, 2024
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