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### Leveraging Conceptual AI for Mitigating or Intensifying the Climate Emergency

You might be surprised to learn that AI is already proving to be a powerful weapon in the fight aga…

You might be surprised to learn that artificial intelligence (AI) is now demonstrating its effectiveness in addressing climate change. For example, the UN has incorporated AI into its UNOSAT satellite image center, using algorithms to analyze images of flooded areas and identify locations in need of disaster response teams.

AI can also assist in disaster prevention and support vulnerable populations in preparing for future challenges. The UN utilizes AI to analyze historical climate data in areas prone to movement and generate forecasts in collaboration with resilient communities in Burundi, Chad, and Sudan.

However, there are valid concerns about whether AI, given its substantial energy consumption, contributes to the climate crisis. This raises important questions about the environmental impact of advanced AI tools like ChatGPT, which are becoming increasingly popular and demanding more energy.

This article explores the projected energy consumption of relational AI and examines how these innovative technologies can help address climate-related issues.

Concerns Regarding Energy Consumption with ChatGPT and Similar Models

A study conducted by researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2019 investigated the carbon footprint of large AI models, such as those powering platforms like ChatGPT today. Their findings revealed that training a single AI model could result in emissions five times greater than those produced throughout the lifespan of an average American car, including manufacturing emissions.

Since then, there have been significant developments in this field. The GPT language models, ranging from GPT-2 to the latest GPT-4, have increased significantly in size and complexity. While GPT-2 was trained on 1.5 billion parameters, GPT-4 reportedly encompasses 1.8 trillion parameters. This expansion signifies a notable rise in the energy needed to develop such models.

Furthermore, the energy requirements for AI training must be considered alongside the energy consumption during practical usage. For instance, interacting with ChatGPT consumes more energy than a typical online search. With around 180 million users engaged so far, the cumulative energy consumption is substantial. Estimates suggest that ChatGPT queries could consume as much electricity daily as 33,000 American households, along with approximately 50cl of water per conversation.

As platforms like ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Microsoft’s Bing AI robot continue to attract users, the environmental impact is expected to grow.

The Convergence of Conceptual AI and Climate Challenges

While the emergence of conceptual AI raises environmental issues, it also offers potential solutions to key climate challenges. Conceptual AI can improve endeavors to combat climate change by optimizing energy demand forecasting, enhancing electricity production predictions, fostering sustainable infrastructure, and progressing carbon capture and storage solutions.

Despite the energy-intensive nature of generative AI, it is essential for AI companies to commit to reducing their carbon footprint and investing in environmentally friendly AI practices. Striking a balance between the advantages of AI and its environmental consequences is critical in addressing the climate crisis.

In conclusion, addressing the climate emergency stands as one of humanity’s most urgent tasks. By harnessing generative AI as a powerful tool, we can develop innovative solutions and contribute to the battle against climate change.

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Last modified: January 25, 2024
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